what would you do with 44 billion dollars?

  1. End homelessness and/or starvation in america atleast. Not sure how much it would cost to cover the whole world but atleast the US. That or put it into the education and prison systems.

  2. Buy my family a house, then my parents, then my siblings, then some properties to rent. Invest in stock. Invest in small businesses. Buy resources for schools, fix up schools, especially for early education centers. Donate grants for college. 44 billion is a lot lmao idk what else to do. I’m not going to act like I’m totally selfless lmao, but I’d try and help myself first because I don’t have much now and then others.

  3. I might finally be able to afford a house, lol. In all seriousness idk. It’s such a massive number I can’t really process how much it is.

  4. Move out of my parents house, buy places for all my buddies who are also trynna move out. Buy separate places for my parents so they can stop being miserable.

    And then idk, I’d still wanna be a high school biology teacher. I guess I’d do some math, figure out how much money I would need to never worry about money again, and donate the rest to good causes.

  5. Buy some land, build a nice home, pay off all debt, and invest the rest so I never really have to work again then also figure out how to get a good ass tax break so I don’t have to pay much in taxes either

    Edit: I just realized it’s billion and not million. Geez, yeah idk. Def not what Elon did tho

  6. Pay off for our house. Buy my dad a boat. Me a new car. Donate 20 mil And save the rest.

  7. support my parents, continue college, eventually buy a house and car. and that doesn’t even put a dent in 44 billion. i guess I’ll go to every state in the US and then stop by a few countries. what? that’s not even 1 billion dollars?? I basically could do anything I wanted for less than 3 million. I have no need for all of that money

    Edit: i guess I should be a good citizen and donate some to charity and shelters.

  8. Invest a fuck ton in green energy and trying to fight climate change. Keep enough for me to swim in a pile of custom tailored ethically made silk dresses and a house to live in.

  9. Solve climate change or world hunger or literally anything else that benefits billions of people and not my ego.

  10. Buy an island and create enough my own little self sustainable world where all my loved ones can be together off the grid away from everyone else

  11. get some experts to advise me on what to do with it all that would be best for the planet

  12. Build adequate housing, provide proper education, healthcare and food to all the less fortunate children and orphans of the world.

  13. Apparently 6.6 billion could make a big difference to world hunger – so I’d give them 16.6


    The rest would go to buying land and farms in the UK and ROI.

    Renting out the farms but I have control over what is grown/kept there.

    I’m not hosting dairy farms or intensive meat farming for example.

    Lots of the land would be turned into nature reserves and some parks with public access.

    Rent fields out for horses, that’s highly in demand. Rent (for nothing) fields to horse rescues, it helps cut their costs drastically if they have fields for turnout.

    I want our countryside not all built on and polluted.


    Talk to charities working on cures for dementia, parkinsons, cancer and hearing/sight loss and see where I can help with that. Any other horrible diseases that just happen and we don’t know why and/or we can’t do anything about it.


    Oh yeah and buy myself a house and a decent car.

  14. I’d improve the world as much as possible

    I’d aim to end homelessness and starvation, I’d offer free healthcare to those in need and work to save small towns across the world that are dying due to COVID and other things

    I would change the world so much…it’s such a shame to see people waste that money on such foolish things

  15. Pay off my mortgage, demolish and rebuild my house, erect a HUGE fence around my house along with a dome to keep everyone out and just sit back wearing the hugest smile on my face.

  16. I would put enough aside that i could live comfortably. 1 billion is about 900 million more than I would ever “need”, so I don’t know what I’d do with another 43 billion.

    Might look into how to “solve” homelessness, which means putting money into working out ways to reduce poverty, finding better solutions for addiction, preventing domestic violence and all the other things that blend into the reason a person may be homeless.

    Id also buy camera gear

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