I heard that LBJ was close to a deal but Nixon somehow weaseld his way into the ear of a Vietnam delegate and said we wouldn’t honor any deal that they made.

  1. I actually just learned about this today. He basically denied every single progressive idea or institution in order to appeal to Republicans and Southern Democrats. He went as far as withholding funds that were intended to go to programs that he didn’t like.

    The main thing was the Watergate Scandal, though, in which one of his advisors sent 5 men to a Democratic National Committee headquarters in order to stay information and place wire taps in phones in order for him to get a leg up in the next election.

  2. If you want an in depth answer rather than a well written personal opinion or a link to an article or two, you’re more likely to find it at /r/AskHistorians than this sub

  3. He tried to directly interfere in an election by using wire taps on his political opponents. Idk anything about Vietnam though.

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