I just broke up with my ex despite having amazing sex and physical chemistry. He also had other great qualities but I feel like good meaningful sex is very hard to find. I really miss that and am afraid I won’t find it again. Anyone here care to share if you have been able to get over an ex in this situation? And how did it happen?

  1. You move on. And realize it will come again (no pun intended…ha) eventually.

  2. Oh yes. It’s pretty easy with the ones who were shit partners outside of the bedroom (in hindsight).

  3. So, I went through this and I am going to tell the truth.

    I had a wild GF 25 years ago that had a lot of problems. She was incredibly hot and the sex made porn absolutely irrelevant in comparison……but she was insanely toxic and after many tries, I finally broke it off for good.

    I want to say that this didn’t screw things up for future relationships, but it absolutely did. Think of a porn addiction, but like 10 times worse.

    I would dream about the stuff we did in bed a decade after we were apart, it fucking sucked. I absolutely hated that she was still in my head and since these were dreams, I was powerless to stop them. It was like the toxicity never ended.

    You know how I got over it? My wife is also a wild woman. She is my little sexual rock star and my sex life has never been so good. On top of that, she is by a significant margin the best woman I have ever known in terms of everything outside of the bedroom.

    So there it is. You can’t can’t unknow what you know. You can find someone you have extreme sexual compatibility with that is also an awesome person.

  4. I have gotten over different ladies over the years. Many of them were very special in their own special ways. Just know that there are other people out there that are special. Take your time and you’ll find one for yourself.

  5. Much like comparing the baked beans at Jack’s Stack to any other baked beans anywhere, comparing the blowjobs of my ex-GF who was a vocal major is unfair to _any_ of my other partners. They may give oral with love and enthusiasm, but they cannot hope to touch the technical ability of someone professionally trained in mouth, tongue, throat, and breath control… and who _loves_ sucking dick.

    I dodged a bullet not marrying her, but _damn_…

  6. Any breakup takes time to get over if you care about them. There will be more good sex in your future. Now that I’m in my 30s I don’t compare partners as much and I find connection alot more important than hot sex.

  7. Yes, you will get over him even though it feels so shitty right now. Hugs <3 However, I most definitely have sexual memories I can replay just like a movie from partners that were great whether if it was casual or I was in love. But now, I just use them for fun and I’m not sad! The only way out is through, keep your chin up as much possible but also acknowledge how much heartbreak blows. I’m not sure of your age but I am 28(F) and wheww hooking up is GREAT AGAIN. I was in a dead bedroom marriage, dating/hooking up now that we are in legal process of divorce. I am very glad to report that the men I’ve hooked up with have gotten much better than they were when I was in college lol.

  8. Never. I had a partner who had the perfect qualities and dirtiness I loved in the bedroom. They couldn’t be loyal to save their lives. Always compare how great she was to any future partners and it’s terrible. Pray one day you’ll find someone comparable. I haven’t yet.

  9. Great sex is hard to get over – I know because I’ve been there. You have to be strong and constantly put things into perspective.

  10. Yes, I have.
    At first I was really miserable. I had even delayed breaking up with him, though I felt our relationship coming to an end, because the sex was incredible and far from anything I had experienced. Afterwards I felt like I was never going to have that great sex again.

    But I did find someone who just gives me as much pleasure and is an amazing person too.
    You have to part from the idea that it will be the same kind of sex though, and it may take some time to get there.
    Example: I experienced my first orgasm during sex with my ex, and we worked best with me on top (he had a certain technique).
    I tried to replicate that with other partners, but it just didn’t feel the same (different size, different technique, different feeling).

    But I found out there were other positions and techniques that felt just as good with my new partner! It isn’t the same, and it can not be, since it’s not the same person. But I feel just as good and satisfied.
    You’ll find someone just as good! As long as your new partner is willing and ready to get to know your body, chances are pretty good.
    Best wishes and good luck!

  11. Yep. We continued to sleep together for years tbh and the last time we fucked, about 3.5 years after the break up, it was so bad that we both just never talked to each other again. Probably not the best way to get over your ex but it worked for me. I lost all attraction to him that night and I’m positive he feels the same way lmao

    Also I found another guy who was even better at sex to replace him with. That helps a lot too.

  12. My ex and I had great sex for the first 3-5 years. She was good at a lot of things and we fit together very well sexually. I have not found that sexual chemistry again but frankly, we got a divorce for a reason.

    Just trust your reasons you breaking up and learn from the experience so you pick future partners that are a better match. If sex is important to you then make sure that is at the top of your list when looking for your next partner.

  13. I’m going thru this right now. Incredibly difficult, and we both agreed our sex was the best we’ve ever had with anyone. I’ve been terrified of not finding someone else who’s so attentive and so willing and giving in bed. But I know if i did it the first time, if i keep my standards high, I’ll find one sometime. Just don’t push it.

  14. It’s been a year and a half. 15 new sexual partners. All were not worth repeating.

    Still trying to find someone who was as good in bed.

  15. I made it very clear to potential partners what I liked, made sure they were into it too, and were willing to learn.

  16. Yes. I found a person that was even better at sex and isn’t horribly incompatible with me!! And it turns out, being super in love and loving each others personalities AND extreme physical compatibility makes it even better than your ex. Trust me, they’re out there. And now that you know what you like, it’ll be easier to find, too.

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