I feel like I’m lacking confidence because of the fact I haven’t done anything proud or accomplished anything that I really wanted to which caused this feeling of insecurities and leading to social anxiety and overthinking. Wanting to avoiding big crowds, meeting new people, having small talks all this factors just adds more and more anxiety and feeling of anxious. Being 27 now and having goals written down from high school but not one single accomplishment I have overcame is just feels like I’m loser. Like I’m just literally destroying myself and my future.

I don’t know how people believe in themselves and have this faith and trust in their abilities despite so much insecurities or problems they may have. I salute to those people who overcame those obsitucales and fighting to strive for greatness

1 comment
  1. You don’t have to believe in yourself or have achievements to be confident. Remember how confident you were as a child, when you could speak and do anything you want. Humans are confident by default. But some of us have traumatic experience that makes us unconfident. Find out where your anxiety comes from, and work with it.

    I had a huge anxiety for 15 years because of my abusive mother. As a child, I was always waiting for another hit, another scream or toy been broken by her. As an adult, I realised the problem, and now, every time I have “unconfident” feeling, I’m remindering myself that no one gonna hurt me anymore. After any social act I make my brain focus on the fact, that my action didn’t lead to anything bad, so I can continue to act in a way I want. Now I’m free.

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