I can mostly do one on one conversations but I have no clue as to how to talk in groups. Even if it’s just two people that I know well I still don’t know how to insert myself into the conversation. I don’t know why but I keep thinking that nobody there wants to talk to me and by talking I would just annoy them or something. This sucks because I want to be able to hang out with multiple people at once without being awkward.

Any tips and advice would be greatly appreciated!

  1. Well I struggle with this as well. What I do now is just feel at ease in groups. So like, instead of worrying that I’m talking enough or too much or whatever, I just think “hey, I’m chilling with my friends, everything’s fine.”

    This of course only works if you like the people you’re with. But if you do like them, and they like you, and y’all are friends, don’t worry about if you’re doing everything right.

    Think about it this way: do you over analyze other people in groups? If not then realize 99% of people won’t over analyze you and will accept the reasonable range of things you do in a group.

    Edit: This doesn’t really answer the question. To be honest, I don’t know how to effectively communicate in groups. It’s possible too many things are going on in groups that there is no “right” way of doing it.

    Just be interested in what the group is doing. Ask questions. Try to contribute where you can.

  2. One thing I realized about groups (I just met and hung out with a whole new group of people last might), is that there is no single large group discussion it’s typically people branch off into pairs/smaller groups and have conversations that way. Hope this helps.

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