Yeah, I straight up forgot to update you guys, but it’s quite an interesting turn of events. And also kind of sad.

Also I showed my GF the last post, and she’s helping me write this one.

So after I checked my GFs internet history, found out she betrayed me by watching the Mandalorian, and ate dinner, we went to sleep. The next day she was beyond pissed. Like I’ve never seen her this angry before. She was almost crying in anger because of what they did.

The reason why the other girls were trying to frame her was because out of the 9 girls, 4 were in committed relationships, her one friend was in an open relationship, and her other friend and 3 other girls were single. And based on my last post, you can probably guess that all 4 of them cheated on their boyfriends/husbands. And they tried to get my GF to cheat as well, but she wouldn’t do it.

And because my girlfriend ***hates*** cheating, she threatened to tell their partners when they got back if they didn’t do it themselves. She gave them a month before she’d do it herself.

To protect themselves, they decided to discredit her so that no one would believe her. The 3 single girls went and found someone who looked similar to my GF and shot the video. I think the bad quality of the video is because my sister has an android, and some people were saying that sending videos from Iphone to Android drops quality? Idk about that, but I met my sister and asked if she could take me to the girl who sent it to her, so that I could see a better quality video.

We went to meet the girl, I acted kind of mad at my GF and told her that I wanted to see how much of a “cheating whore” she was, and the girl was literally failing to hide how pleased she was. She was trying really hard not to smile. The video on her phone was in 4k, and showed every little detail.

After watching the video, I can 100% confirm it’s not my GF. The girl in the video looks eerily similar to my GF and I can understand why my sister thought the evidence was damning. But there are a couple of physical features that are pretty distinct on my GF, and the girl in the video doesn’t have them. However they’re hidden in intimate places so I only know of them since I’ve seen my GF naked. The girl in the video is missing a few scars and a mole, not to mention that her hair is a slightly different shade.

My sister is just a protective idiot who went too far, and I don’t think what she did was malicious, since she did apologize to me and my GF and said that she would try to fix what she did. She said after she heard what her now ex-friend said, she saw red and when I didn’t believe her she wanted to take things into her own hands.

Then my sister went and told everyone that those 4 girls cheated, so I don’t think she’s capable of keeping things to herself. At least she actually told people the truth this time. 3 of the 4 are now single or in the middle of divorce proceedings, with the last one somehow managing to keep her husband. The group has been bashing my GF and sister on social media for ruining their lives, (Even though they ruined their own lives), and it’s kind of entertaining to see them rage.

Unfortunately, my GF lost her 2 friends after telling the truth about the other 4 girls’ cheating. They didn’t like that she interfered in other people’s relationships, and said that they don’t want to be with someone who might turn on them if they do something she doesn’t approve of.

She’s been pretty depressed about losing her friends because she doesn’t have any more, so I’ve been trying to cheer her up. She likes it when I read to her, so I’ve been doing that and we’re watching the Mandalorian, even though she spoils every single episode.


TLDR: They framed her to hide their cheating, my sister is an idiot, and my GF has no friends now. 🙁

  1. Aw, your girlfriend sounds like the type of friend I’d like to have. Introverted and most importantly LOYAL. I hope she makes new and better friends soon. The trash took itself out, and hopefully, gold will find its way in.

  2. >Unfortunately, my GF lost her 2 friends after telling the truth about the other 4 girls’ cheating. They didn’t like that she interfered in other people’s relationships, and said that they don’t want to be with someone who might turn on them if they do something she doesn’t approve of.

    The simple answer to this would be not to cheat, but that seems to be a request too far. Your gf’s stance on cheating is perfectly understandable, the fact these “friends” see that as betrayal ignores the original betrayal the cheating would be. Sounds like she needed better friends anyway, people who won’t organise an elaborate conspiracy to cover their shitty morals and behaviour.

  3. Your gf is better off without those “friends”. They had no problem with the other girls trying to ruin your relationship but were upset that your gf cleared her name and exposed the other girls shitty behaviour. Good riddance. She doesn’t need friends like that.

  4. Your gf shouldn’t be sad for losing low life pos friends. She should be happy for dodging a potential future bullet….or 10.

  5. Wait a second
. The friends went a found a girl that looked similar to your girlfriend?????? And shot her having an orgy??????? 

  6. Your gf needs better friends, your sister needs to get a hobby, and you need to snuggle your gf nightly. You seem like a couple that will make it through the long haul.

  7. Her ex friends were upset that she interfered in their relationships? Wasn’t that what they were doing to her?

    Your girlfriend is better to be out of those toxic relationships. Addition by Subtraction

    She will find better friends in long run that actually respect her and are people who she will truly like.

  8. > They didn’t like that she interfered in other people’s relationships


    I mean, actual wat? The friend group tried to frame your SO for cheating, but somehow your SO is the one who interfered?

  9. I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought this is fake as hell, you had them in the last post OP but yoh flew too close to the sun.

  10. Nice story.

    I totally was believing in this story, until the part where the 3 friends decided, time to shoot us a crappy homemade p0rn to discredit OP’s gf!

    Where do they get these actors for 0rgy from? Dang. They must spend quite a pretty $$ too.

    I’d have believed it more if they just browsed places like Ph, or the other ones, to find a bad quality video to frame OP’s gf…

  11. This is 100 percent a made up story lol. So many plot holes in this one just like the one in the story made up by the friends.

    Those friends just didn’t download a video from the internet but found a similar looking girl, paid her to have sex, also found 4 other men to have sex with her in a gangbang, most likely paid them too. All within 2 weeks.

    OP updated within 4 days but 3 of those 4 cheating friends are already single or in the middle of a divorce. Their husbands were just ready with divorce papers even before being informed? It will take a normal person atleast a week to process things on an emotional level, then go out looking for a lawyer, get multiple consults, then prepare a draft, get it checked and then serve.

    I suggest you try fantasy writing in Literotica and leave this Reddit sub alone. And it wasn’t even an entertaining one to be honest. Too much drama packed in a short story. Almost like OP’s mind was racing with multiple ideas and he went with everyone.

    My verdict – 2.5/10 as a beginner fiction writer.

  12. “Why everyone in the world but my girlfriend is a terrible cheater, and how they found a doppelgĂ€nger to perform in an orgy on short notice JUST to frame her!”

    “Wow OP! I’m glad you saw through this clever ruse!”

    C’mon guys. Are you serious?

  13. It would have been a more believable story if you said they had found a porn video of someone who looked similar to your gf. You just reached too far with saying they somehow managed to find someone who just happened to look exactly like your gf and shot a porno with her in one day.

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