To clarify how, i waited an hour, called once with no answer, he called back about 20 minutes later to say he was sorry.

We did confirm the day and time, even the day of.

  1. dont call him back, don’t agree to meet up ever again, find a different dude.

  2. ask him why he was late, if it is a good reason or an honest mistake, accept his apology, if he was just being a POS, then dont hangout with him anymore

  3. Completely unacceptable. Delete and move on.

    In general, never arrange a first or second date where you can’t find something fun to do if the date doesn’t turn up. That way you don’t at least waste your day. Of course it’s different once a reliable track-record is established.

  4. You go on, enjoy your time by yourself, because that’s what you wanted to do in the first place… Later if the guy calls you again to meet up, you say you value your time too much for it to be wasted away waiting for people.

  5. Block him and move on. He confirmed the day of yet STILL stood you up, he’s a piece of trash

  6. It depends on why they stood you up. If they had a family emergency, medical issue, etc. that is reasonable. Car broke down, got lost trying to find the place, got a panic/anxiety attack… that’s unfortunate but still understandable.

  7. Unless he provides you with a really good reason, an emergency or something like that, he doesn’t respect your time and, as an extension, you.

    Why would you want to be involved with someone who has no respect for you?

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