I’ve heard them called “old maids” (like unpopped popcorn) or “bones,” but I’m wondering if there’s any regional term for them.

  1. I’ve only heard a specific name for the ones at the bottom of a McDonalds fry that are essentially just blackened batter.

    I…*probably* shouldn’t repeat it here. Think of something similar to Brazil nuts.

  2. Didn’t one of the fast food chains try to make this a “thing” back in the day. Like some commercials called the fries that ended up in the bottom of the bag “bagglers” and tried to make it sound like a fun thing.

    I swear their was some weird commercial like that.

  3. >”old maids” (like unpopped popcorn)

    My ex used to call the unpopped ones *the officers* because “they always manage to survive while everyone else gets popped” (also, I assume, because of the kernel/colonel pronunciation).

    I’ve never heard of the crispy fries bits being referred to anything specific though.

  4. I’ve always called any little bits at the bottom like that – whether fries, chips, crackers etc. – croûtes which is French for crust, but I probably just call them that because my dad called them that. I don’t know of anyone else who says that.

  5. They’re technically called bits as in fry bits (fast food fries)or potato bits (restaurants)…but it also seems to be a forgotten name since the 80s or so when people stopped using it.

  6. Jokingly, and probably just me and my wife, but we call them “Imp’s daggers”.

  7. No, but the ones that are loose in the bag after falling out of their primary container are what my social group still calls “bagglers,” as in “stragglers in the bag.” Apparently this came from a BK ad.

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