Something not in direct connection/derived from your biological gender, the one that no women have.\*

I ask something like do you like drinking beer, cars and engines, inventing things, and building things. OR In general “man” things, that men tends to like, stereotypically and even in the factual realm.


  1. Yard work, beer, cars, football, weight lifting, action movies, fixing stuff

  2. I like working on my yard, BBQing in the summer, lifting weights, boxing, smacking mulch bags at the hardware store, and squeezing my wife’s bum any time she’s foolish enough to have it unguarded within reach.

  3. What the hell, is with your wording Always that Bad ?
    Anyway, being straightforward, doing sports, beers, automobiles. Welp can’t think of anything else.

  4. Building and fixing things, loved contact sports when I could do them (older now), camping, hunting, shooting, fishing, being a father, and drinking whiskey.

  5. 0 bullshit, no nonsense, direct talking. And speaking only as little words as required.

  6. I’d like to be able to “Track”, just walk through the snow, see a broken twig, disturbed snow and then be able to figure out what happened

    I like walking in snow, and seeing footprints of cats and people who were out before me, just sorta like abstract-people/animal watching

    …I’m trying to avoid creepy jokes like:

    …”plus if she escapes from the dungeon I can track her down” lol

  7. My BF checked a dude when he tried to jump the queue in front of an old lady. Instant turn on honestly.

  8. Having electric tools, motorcycles, fucking around and finding out (building and dismantling stuff) and scratch my balls

  9. I love building or making or fixing things.

    I LOVE camping, especially remotely and alone.

  10. +1 for direct communication, lol. Absolutely hate how indirect women can be.

    But I enjoy a lot of stereotypical manly things. Chopping wood, building things, beer, straight bourbon, lifting weights….

  11. I love shooting my wwii rifles, drinking bourbon, working on my car, and lifting weights (in no specific order)

  12. Nearly all manly things, to some degree.

    Because I’m a man.

    Of course, what is ‘manly’ varies a bit by culture, but I’m a fan of most of the ones that seem common to most places.

  13. Woodworking and turning wrenches on my classic car are the most traditionally masculine things about me.

  14. My missus finds me doing DIY incredibly attractive, or that might just be a ploy to get me doing DIY…

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