Considering you always see her at work or at school, how often do you want yourself or your date/gf to text and call you?
How do I make the guy to contact more often?

  1. At least once a day, there will be days that we both are so busy that a long call isnt an option, but a good night text is never too much.

  2. Whenever they want to, ideally at least once a day, but I understand that people can get busy and that might not be possible. All I usually ask in that case is to be kept in the loop so I know I’m not getting ghosted or something.

    Whenever things start to get serious between me and someone else, I tend to send a good morning text every morning whenever I wake up, and it’s nice when that’s reciprocated but it’s not an end all be all.

  3. Since we’re living together; preferably daily.

    Seems weird living in the house and not talking.

  4. If I’m seeing her at work or school, possibly hanging out with her after work / school and probably going out with her on the week-end —– O – 2X maybe. Anything more is an attempt to monopolize my time and to intrude upon other relationships and other interests I have. I’m already seeing you a great deal given the above. Now if we’re talking about a woman who you don’t work with or go to school with and you maybe see her 1-2X a week, then texting – calling a little more (if not every day) would be appropriate / acceptable. IMO, spacing out communication means your conservations are more meaningful and you actually have new things to talk about.

  5. Since we don’t live together, I’d be fine with almost daily contact, but we would probably run out of stuff to talk about at some point. There is only so much that can happen in a day and only so much past to share.


    >How do I make the guy ~~to contact more often?~~

    No. Stop.

  6. Always seeing her at work or school is enough, no non-physical contact outside of that required. Electronic contact extremely unfulfilling.

    To make him contact you more, ask him to nicely. Even more so if you make him understand how important it is to you that he does so. If he cares, he will give you what you want especially when it’s not asking for more than just a few texts here and there. I think I would be willing to call a text per hour non-intrusive as long as if I missed a couple hours it wouldn’t be a bad thing.

    Then again, less contact means more mystery. Maybe he just wants you to be guessing what he’s doing and not have any way to know. Maybe you want to let him keep his shroud and not ask him to do such “put-on-a-leash” type behaviors.

  7. All the time, if I could get away with it. We’re long distance, though, so I’m biased.

    If she lived with me and we worked together, we’d still be messaging throughout the day, but mostly because we would be plotting.

    There’s always the good old fashioned “Hey, my nipples feel a little weird, can I send you a pick later and you tell me what you think?”, he will not leave you the hell alone.

  8. Considering we live together, I really don’t want to text while either of us are working. I would rather we just had face to face interactions at home. I am assuming she’s safe while in her workplace and can make it through the day like most other adults. Texting to say we’re on our way home is enough. Expecting me to text while I’m out with my friends is annoying if I’m not going to be gone for more then 8 hours. I want to enjoy the time of the people I went to see. I find having to pause that to respond to some “how’s it going?” type text to be rather rude to the people I’m with. If my S/O needs entertainment, then she’ll have to figure that out on her own.

  9. The trick to getting someone to message you more is dating someone that wants to message you.

  10. Maybe I’m weird, but if it’s good conversation I don’t mind if it’s all day long. No calls though.

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