Looking back what was/became of Benghazi?

  1. Absolutely nothing, which is a travesty.

    At best it played a tiny role in keeping Clinton out of the White House. That’s it.

  2. It’s incredible that a person can use incompetence as a defense in their only executive job, then win the popular vote for a promotion.

  3. To clarify, there was a terrorist attack on a US diplomatic building in Benghazi, Libya, in which several deaths occurred, including American citizens.

    Hillary Clinton was blamed for that, as the US diplomats in Benghazi had previously asked for additional security support, but were turned down. Since she was Secretary of State at the time, the US State Department’s failures were also seen as her failures, even if she wasn’t personally handling that case.

    Mainly, political rivals of Hillary tried to make it seem like a much bigger deal, and that she was personally at fault, despite two separate investigations clearing her name of any misdeeds.

  4. It can be a litmus test to gauge peoples’ politics when you bring it up, but that’s about it.

    See: this thread.

  5. It was honestly one of the most aggressive and egregious hatchet jobs in politics. 911 didn’t get the scrutiny Benghazi did. It was clear the GOP was intent on destroying Clinton with it, and equally clear that Benghazi was not Clinton’s direct fault

  6. Political grandstanding by a South Carolina congressman which allowed Donald Trump to be elected. But the opposition candidate proved she could testify under oath for over 11 hours continuously while none of DJT’s minions have made it ten minutes without an “I don’t recall” or “I plead the fifth.”

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