Fingering and UTI questions

I was making out with my girlfriend and she asked to finger her suddenly, in the heat of the moment I forgot to wash my hands before-hand. I fingered her without washing ny hands for about 10secs.

2 weeks after this she got a bad fever and her period.
4 weeks after the fingerinh she vomited 4 times enough to get petechiae on her face.
5 week and she had difficulties trying to pee all day with only small bits of pee coming out.

I’ve been told that maybe she could’ve gotten a UTI, and idk if I should be blaminng myself for it seeing that peeing problems just started this 5th week.
The symptoms I listed from the 2th week could just be a coincidence I believe but weeks 4 and 5 I believe that could be a UTI.

How long can UTI last? Are symptoms I listed relevant to suspect a UTI infection? Was it my fault she got this infection? How are UTI treated?

  1. I don’t know if its related for sure, but my wife has had 0 since I got super diligent about washing my hands first. She also made some changes though because we had a UTI sideline her twice in one year and she was getting super frustrated.

  2. Has your girlfriend been to the doctor yet? UTIs are easy to treat with a course of antibiotics, but can be very dangerous if left untreated. She should go to a doctor ASAP.

  3. I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on tv.

    Typically UTIs onset very quickly. Like the next day. Not saying they can’t take longer. But, in my experience they come on quite quickly from the event of what caused it.

    They are also typically quite painful almost immediately. Fever, vomiting, etc typically coincide with when a UTI gets into the bladder.

    Also, everyone is different and have different tolerance. But, unless your hands were filthy dirty with bacteria or fecal matter, I don’t think not washing them caused this. They might have. Again, everyone is different. But, if every girl got a UTI from being fingered with unwashed hands, half the population would be walking around with UTIs.

    I also find your comment on the doc doing a blood test to be somewhat odd.

    UTIs are pretty straightforward to diagnose with a simple urine test and pretty much immediate antibiotics are prescribed. The symptoms typically go away in a day or two after taking the antibiotics, but you have to be sure to take all of them.

    No blood work is involved. And, most docs, just hearing about the symptoms know it is a UTI and don’t even do a urine test.

    Again, I find your time line of symptoms and the doc’s actions to be a bit odd, solely based on a husband whose wife has chronic UTIs.

    Again, not a doc. Don’t play one on tv either.

    YMMV, good luck with it.

  4. Yes but accidents happen. Please wash your hands from now on.

    That goes for any other men in this comment section. Please don’t do this to your ladies

  5. While bacteria being introduced Is the culprit, peeing afterwards and drinking plenty of water will help prevent UTI’s.

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