What would you consider to be the biggest problem in your life right now? Is there a solution?

  1. Receding hairline, which if I’m honest just shows how easy I have it in other areas of life.

  2. >What would you consider to be the biggest problem in your life right now?

    My head hurts, pain gets worse and the painkillers put me out of commission for two or three days.

    >Is there a solution?

    I could cut my head off.

  3. My mental health. As for solutions…none that I could utilize. Cant seem to find a therapist that see patients outside of my work hours.

  4. That depression cloud following me. Just gotta pull that sunshine outta your ass and keep moving. If you stop it will consume you.

  5. I’ve just been watching some superhero movies and it occurred to me that ZERO hot Avengers ladies are currently dating me.

    The solution to that would be to have one or more hot Avengers ladies start dating me. If they could wear the suits, that would be a nice bonus.

  6. Seen the scene in Jurassic Park where the RV is dangling from a cliff and the glass is slowly cracking?

    That’s me. I have several issues and no matter what direction I move in, how I try to fix them, how hard I work, the glass just splinters a little more each day.

  7. I got myself in debt and am trying to figure out how to pay it off. I could get a weekend job but I’m limited by my employer on what I can do. Uber is allowed but not sure it’s high paying??

  8. I racked up about several thousands in credit card debt and other things due to some unfortunate events happening to my wife, I have a good job but I’m living pay check to paycheck due to debt and I can’t seem to debt the balance.

    Solution….no fucking clue

  9. My wife and I have not had success with conceiving so far and some possible solutions are being considered.

    I’m in my 30s and still suffer from being a bedwetter and the solution is just managing best I can with diapers.

  10. Loneliness. Obviously there are several solutions, but not ones I’m currently ready to settle for.

  11. I’m currently at college so maybe that; and I’m looking for a job but no luck

  12. Im trying to figure out ME. Due to a toxic relationship, i have found the willpower to try and love me before anyone else.

  13. I’ve lost the passion to run my most profitable business. my options are: phone it in and try to just keep sucking money out, put in a ton of effort and just hope that i magically gain interest in it again, sell it, or find someone who can run it for me which will cut my take home from it. i don’t like any of my options.

  14. I suffer from high cholesterol and high blood sugar. If I eat more carbs, less fat my blood sugar levels enter prediabetes. More fat, less carbs, and it’s back to high cholesterol. And it’s not even like I’m fat. I’m pretty damn skinny (5’10 and 170) and I lift 4x a week and do judo 2x a week. How much more can I do? I feel like I’m just destined to die from either diabetes or a heart attack.

  15. Homelessness. I’m saving up to get a place, but first month plus security deposit is hard on a fixed income. If I’m lucky I’ll have a place by June.

  16. Honestly….living is my biggest problem. Going on 40 years, and I’ve accomplished nothing. I’ve set goals and tried to do things, and I get nowhere. Doesn’t matter what I do to change things, I’m still stuck in this rut, and idk how to get out of it.

    i don’t want to go to my job. I don’t want to live where i do. But, it’s not like in the movies, where i can just pack up and go because I have magic movie money.

  17. Having a year to Learn french to pass an exam. In order to become a full feldge engineer in Quebec.

  18. Financial stress, I’ll get there, eventually..
    Sick of living paycheck to paycheck

  19. Getting over my gf cheating on me. Felt like I was on my way to the solution until I saw her for the first time since we broke up. People keep saying time, time, time but I’m tired.

  20. I have OCD, it makes every day of my life difficult. I’ve tried meds and therapy but at the end of the day, the buck stops with me.

  21. My mental health. Exacerbated by life’s circumstances. If life was better, I would be better mentally. If I was better mentally, I could most likely improve the circumstances. Vicious cycle.

  22. Discovering I’m still in love with a man I broke up with 26 years ago. We talk every day. The fact that we live 3000 miles apart provides its own solution.

  23. Of course there is a solution to any problem. My problem is people on instagram who fight over jealousy. It’s so freaking funny.

  24. Being alive is a problem, as there isn’t much sense in it for me. Dying is a solution, but can’t afford it while there are still some people who care about my well-being. Would hate to hurt them.

  25. Trying to get out of long term unemployment with my “useless” degree after dealing with a strong depression during the pandemic, that and finding new friends after losing most of the friendships I made in college.

    As for my solution I’m looking at apprenticeships to make up for the lack of experience and resume gaps (for now it feels like grad school is not worth it) and if not maybe in the worst case scenario I might go to the Peace Corps or something (I don’t think I’m mentally or physically fit to join the army). At the very least I graduated debt-free and I’m seeing a therapist again after I stopped going when the lockdowns happened.

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