I’ve been in the UK for over a year and I don’t hold a drivers license in Ireland.
I’m living here now and want to know if I can just learn how to drive in the UK and do the full process here?

  1. Apply for a provisional licence. Wait for it to turn up in the post and then start driving lessons.

    Irish citizens have the right to live and work here(much like we do in Ireland), you won’t need anything other than a fixed address and maybe your passport.

    Your local post office should be able to help if you want to talk to a real person.

  2. Yes, follow standard UK procedure.

    Furthermore – You are effectively treated as British in the UK. Just apply for a provisional.

  3. Yup. As a UK resident you can, and should, apply for a UK provisional and follow the normal UK process to learn and hopefully pass your test here.

  4. I’m confused at everyone’s responses…Ireland isn’t in UK, unless you’re from NI but I assume not.

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