im an english person and my father is also english, but i have an american mother. ive asked them both about their upbringings (my dad was raised in the 60s, my mum in the 70s) and they had a lot of different experiences, but those were from a long time ago. im wondering how it differs now in the present day since id imagine both countries have evolved a lot since then. is there anything notable about american parenting that isnt really common elsewhere?

  1. Its hard to answer that because the parenting methods in this country are so widely varied.

    Could you give some examples that your parents gave to give us some ideas?

  2. The biggest concrete difference will be about car related things: car seats, avoiding traffic while playing/bicycling, learning to drive, etc.

    Other things like education, discipline, toys, diet, etc vary a lot by household and personal choices.

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