How long would it take you to save 10k?

  1. If I stopped buying ammo and expensive espresso, probably about six months or so.

  2. I mean I have more than that in savings right now if that’s what you are asking. If I had to save 10k more, 2 months of not trying, one month if it was really important.

  3. If I went real Great Depression mode, dropped out of college and picked up a second job I could probably get it together in about a year, but life would really suck.

  4. In a year I can have extra 10K, if only I stopped smoking weed. Actually I should stop smoking weed, I don’t even enjoy it anymore, I just smoke a joint everytime I want a cigarette.

  5. Like a good year. With just working 50+ hrs a week and no vacations no social life. Done that and i basically had to use it one car payments and a broken down vehicle. Sucks but that’s life

  6. I’ll leave it at this. Being in tech, engineering, business pays. Changing jobs every 24 months pays. Having a bit of fire in your belly and not falling into the trap of being “loyal” to the company pays.

  7. Like if I really needed it asap and put it above any spending? A few weeks. As I am now? A while because I’ve been enjoying life.

  8. 20 months.

    I’m basing that on my wife and I contribute $500 a month to our Roth IRA.

  9. 10K TRL – quite quickly. Just go to the exchange and then place the bills in folders.

  10. Laughs in public sector. That’s going to take well over a year, probably two, possibly several.

  11. Well takes me about 45 days as I got to pay rent , utilities and other stuff .

  12. In what currency? In my country’s? By the end of the year. In USD? End of decade, if things went well.

  13. When I was working 5 months and that not splurging on games or little gagets. Cutting back on fishing trips.

  14. well i live on about 10k a year. so maybe ~5years at the moment. but if i didnt have to spend anything, 6 months to 1 year… that’s without doing anything

  15. It depends if I’m doing it like I do just now, by putting a few hundred away each month, which would take about 18 months, or if there’s a pressing, urgent need, in which case I could really clamp down on my spending and have it much sooner.

    I mean, realistically I’d just buy whatever it was immediately and gradually replace the money by the first method.

    That’s not US$, mind you. US$10k wouldn’t take as long.

  16. If I go full monk mode and work a lot of OT, and drop my retirement contributions from 14% down to 0%, probably 2 months.

  17. i was broke in november 2022 now i got more than 10k saved plus some money invested.

  18. Whilst living comfortably, 2 years. Could do it in one year if I was willing to live a bit shitter.

  19. Depends. Since I’m (temporarily) living with my parents, around 5-6 months. Probably less than that if I go full monk mode.

    Otherwise it would take me about a year to save $10k

  20. Besides your bills, you have to cut out of buying a lot of things like spending money on coffee at a store, and etc.. therefore you make your coffee, make three meals at home, and not going out as much anymore.

  21. 10k what bananas, apples? But to be more serious what currency are we Talking becouse 10k dolars for me would be most probably like 2 whole years maybe even more

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