I (31f)understand where a person (30m) may not have felt like they were at the right space to date and the person abruptly left so they didn’t want the person to leave which is a whole blessing in itself..

I’m speaking on people who deliberately… I don’t know.. play mind games. I had a guy SHOW me interest. After I moved on.. he SHOWED me something to piss me off.. when he could of moved on. He was hurt.. I understand. So me being petty I did more shit to piss him off. YET, the same person who doesn’t like me… ran back to me SHOWING me they are in fact interested? Or unintentially showing I make him tick.

If this is strictly based off of emotions and not them as a person actually wanting me as a partner or someone to learn and grow with… it’s leaving me confused.

I eventually left the fucker alone lol

I already felt like a social experiment from someone who really wanted to date me… YET 7 years later we arnt together and never will be

tl:Dr: I knew someone who liked me, then tried to make me jealous, then chased after me, then rejected me to where I decided to walk away. I just want to know how to handle or understand the situation better. Thank you

  1. It’s hard to say given the information presented. Even harder to say when his behavior simply sounds erratic. But in general I’ve adopted a policy of avoiding people who are inconsistent with me.

    I had a situation several years ago where I really liked a guy, he was still probably not over his ex (was storing her car for her and other things)… we got super close for several weeks and he mentioned Christmas at his, which being months out, sounded like planning me to be part of his future. Then dropped the “I’m not ready for a relationship” thing and bailed on a group road trip we were supposed to take the next week. Since then, he really seems to come out of the woodwork when I’m sad because of a breakup, or when I’ve accomplished something big. It felt like a roller coaster until I decided to take steps not to feel anything at all about it.

    Basically… they can only mess with your head if you let them. Sometimes people just want to know they occupy space in your head, as and when they want it.

    Someone who wants you will show you consistently. If they aren’t consistently positive about their desire to be there for you, either you’re not it or they don’t know and that will always leave you feeling confused.

  2. I was just asking myself this the other day!

    Like when a guy rejects you and youACTUALLY decide to move on then they act awkward around you or try avoiding you.
    Like get serious! You didnt want me!
    Honestly, there is no answer behind this and I think its manipulation because they want the upperhand. Like how you got the nerve to be okay. You should be hurt!
    Manipulation at its finest and that is someone you don’t want around. Its shows that person that that is a tactic they can use on you to get what they want if you give in to it.
    Best of luck!

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