I wanted to ask cuz I’m curious. I noticed i
Really like to tease to the point they get frustrated. Like say things do thing on purpose to get them all riled up and stuff having them get frustrated and later take that out on me ( obviously sexually) I’m not saying to the point they are actually mad I mean more so that they can do anything about it till later and by then they are all riled up. Idk I enjoy it alot plus the idea of being chased idk why it fun and so thrilling to me. What is this call? And is it normal?

  1. My boyfriends normally a very stoic and calm person so getting him riled up over lil’ ole’ me is super fun!

    I’d also love to know what this is called, maybe bratting? But not sure

  2. i like being on the other end of that kind of thing. not sure what to call it. i get so flustered when hot girls tease at me. i love the frustration of it too. my wife isn’t the type of girl to be that way at all but doesn’t get jealous in the slightest. it’s never led me to “taking it out” on someone sexually or going any further but maybe one day it could. idk. don’t care too much either way. i wouldn’t say it’s abnormal of you because obviously people like me exist who are with it

  3. This is exactly how i feel about having sex. I really love to keep them on the edge of orgasm for a long time before letting them have the full fun.

  4. Just sounds like orgasm denial, edging and in general domination (they do everything just to serve you) if you ask me

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