Context. Me(trans ftm, 18) and my girlfriend(F19) have an open relationship (seven months as of Feb 28th) currently. My best friend(gender fluid 18) a is in a relationship (I believe 10-11 months?) too. They’re partially open? Their partner(NB18) has rules ofc. Mine doesn’t.

Anyways, so my friend kissed me earlier today. We were working and taking the elevator. Suddenly they walked over to me and kissed me. On the lips. I enjoyed it (I have a small crush on them but the type you’d not expect to act on). I had given them one of those kiss soda tabs as a joke previously and didn’t expect anything. Although, I didn’t mind it. Obviously. Now though, I’m not sure on what to do since I don’t know if their partner has a rule against that or not. Should I tell my partner? Should I ask my friend about it? What should I do?

I gave my bff a kiss tab as a joke. They actually kissed me. I’m questioning if we did something wrong and I need to know what to do.

I just asked my friend (from this post) if I can tell my partner or if they want to keep it between us. I don’t mind either but I can’t help but feel guilty knowing that their partner probably isn’t okay with it.

Summary of update – I asked friend “can I tell or secret?” and they say secret. I feel guilty.

  1. Ask your partner first what their advice is.

    Other than that, your friends relationship is not your problem.

    Can I ask about something?

    >Me(trans male, 18)

    Shouldn’t it be trans man? Male is a biological definition. Man and woman are more gender identifications. If you don’t want to answer that’s fine. Some people have difficulty discussing things like this.

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