I like this guy. He’s a classmate of mine, we’re both in grad school. I told him in person that I liked him and suggested we date. He turned me down, saying currently he’s happy being single and not interested in finding a gf. It stung, but I told him I viewed him as a friend way before I liked him, so I’m cool with us being friends.

I recently had a conversation with a friend, about how some guys I have zero interests in, will seize the slightest opportunity to attempt to take advantage of me, yet the rare occasion I do like a decent guy, he shuts me down. I am well aware no one is entitled to reciprocate anyone’s feelings, but rejection is never easy for anyone.

I told the friend the story of this guy, who behaves like a creepy predator. We see each other from time to time at events. I don’t acknowledge him, much less interact with him. These events will often have liquor and he will wait for me to get drunk, to come out of nowhere to grab me. His hands will be all over me, he will grab my hands and pull me onto him saying let’s dance. Me being intoxicated, I wouldn’t be able to do anything. It’s gotten to the point, where I leave these events early now, to avoid being cornered by him.

I asked my friend, does the guy I like view me as a creepy forceful type of person. He said potentially. It broke my heart hearing that, as that is not my intention at all. I’ve been honest and forthcoming with this guy. I told him directly that I liked him, instead of dropping hints and behaving inappropriately (excessive touching, innuendos, etc.) But I’ve noticed since I’ve told him I liked him, the communication has slacked. He’s not as responsive to texts. He did tell me he’s been busy, which I do understand (our last year, we have a ton of work on our plates). One time he didn’t respond for over a week, which he apologized for saying he didn’t see the text and he got way more than he anticipated on his plate. I know he’s not lying as everyone is overwhelmed with meeting deadlines.

My concern now is whether he finds me overbearing/too forceful. Prior to me telling him I liked him, I would always text first and he’s always respond. He’s always been a quiet guy who keeps to himself while I’m super chatty and can talk your ear off in any given situation. But we became fast friends. I don’t know if he views me differently now that he knows I like him. I don’t know if he’s uncomfortable with me. He’s always been direct with me, when I asked him something. As confrontational as I am, he’s been equally forthcoming, which was amazing.

We are suppose to see each other in April. I do not want to have this conversation over text, nor is he the type of person to talk on the phone. How do I approach this situation? I will talk to him in person about whether his perspective on me changed and if he’s uncomfortable with me. But what do I do now? It feels very one-sided. I don’t want to overthink things, but I’m worried he’s too polite to say you’re making me uncomfortable.

  1. He’s happy single.

    Leave him alone. You’re only gonna make things worse for yourself.

  2. Agreed, he’s fine being single.

    Have you thought he may be on medication and his libido is dead? Ot that hit REALLY wants the greatest grades possible? Maybe his family is overbearing?

    Let HIM come to you if he ever wants it. Meanwhile, move on.

  3. Whenever a girl tells me about a guy who was being a creep, I listen but that’s usually a sign for me to start distancing myself because the outcome is likely failure.

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