What wouldn’t you do for someone you love?

  1. A lot of things. Most things that would involve hurting myself. It also depends if that love is going both ways or there is a gap.

  2. Tons of things, but first things that comes to mind I guess are risk my own mental or physical health, or constantly put my own boundaries, needs and wants aside for them.

  3. Many, many things. A person worthy of my love would never ask or expect those things of me.

  4. Give up my goals and dreams for them. I’ve walked away from relationships where they wanted me to compromise on my life goals so that I could have their babies, stay home, cook and clean, basically do domestic chores. I loved them dearly but I’m not going to drop my career to be a single mom in a relationship.

  5. Loads. I think knowing your boundaries is even more important with people you love. It’s something you do for them as much as yourself – if you don’t say no when you need to how will they know what is important to you, or what will upset you? It never helps to stay quiet, agree to everything and then they need to guess what’s upsetting you.

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