Are most people in The USA aware that there are white latin americans?

  1. This gets asked at least once a week and I’m not dead sure where it’s coming from.


  2. It seems regional. I didn’t realize there were people who *didn’t* know that until I visited Oregon. Which makes sense since we got hispanics of all kinds here. They don’t.

    Not uniquely an American problem either. My girlfriend had a cab driver think she was fucking with him in London because she didn’t look like what his idea of a Cuban looks like.

  3. Yes, thus why on every form and survey you can check both white and Hispanic. They’re separate questions on every form.

  4. Most, as in at least 50% +1, I would say yes. Am the stereotypical looking Latino.

  5. Most people are aware of this though there are certainly some that are not

  6. Yes I’m pretty sure most people know this already.

    Also, this question gets asked so frequently that anyone who didn’t know before sure as hell knows now.

  7. I would like to say yes, because I am aware of it, but I think the majority find that question confusing.

    The most common ancestry of Latin American immigrants in my area is mestizo. Most of these immigrants come from Mexico and Central America. So that’s the “mental image” most people of any background here have of Latin Americans.

    Most Mexicans I know, including light-skinned, clearly European derived Mexicans, are very resistant to being labeled “white” in a social context (a census/ official document context seems to be different).

    So a lot of Americans seem to view “Latin American” or “Hispanic” as a distinct “race” rather than as a category that includes people of various races.

    Edit: as I read other responses I wanted to clarify something. I think most Americans of all races are aware that there are white looking people in Latin America. I think a majority are probably aware that many Latin Americans are of European ancestry. I’m just not certain that most Americans would think that these people would be classified as “white.”

    Also, “not wanting to impose an unwanted identity on people” is probably a more common motive for this than “unwilling to accept them as white” (although the second motive sadly does exist with some people).

  8. I think there are more Americans that know that white Latinos/Latinas exist than don’t.

  9. *looks at Tony Romo*

    *looks at Ted Cruz*

    *wonders why this question keeps getting asked*

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