My boyfriend (20M) went clubbing today with his friends. One of his friends posted a story. In that story my boyfriend was there dancing and then he was playing with a girl’s hair. My boyfriend was playing with her hair and touching it while he was dancing. I started crying after seeing that story. Why is he playing with random girl’s hair when he has a gf. I feel so hurt. Like why… I feel disrespected. I feel so sad and betrayed. But I feel like I’m overthinking it.

TDLR: he said he won’t do anything that’ll hurt my feelings and when I confronted the friend about that story he removed it immediately.

  1. What did your boyfriend say when you expressed to him that you enjoy having your hair touched and played with?

  2. I don’t think you’re overthinking anything. I think its odd for your partner to be giving that kind of attention to a complete stranger. You being hurt by seeing that is very valid. I’d bring it up with him and find out if that video is the extent of it.

  3. I would break up with my boyfriend over this. I don’t accept any kind of intimacy with other females as okay.
    I feel like a person who could do that would happily cheat.

  4. I’m a dude and I that ain’t normal behavior, he’s clearly being sketchy. That would be a dealbreaker in my book

  5. Nope, not overthinking at all. You need to set some serious boundaries of what you accept as reasonable behavior in your relationship.

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