To make this a short-ish story, couple weeks ago, this random girl adds me on facebook. Idk who she is, but the adds me and I noticed we’ve got 1 friend in common. I start talking with that female friend of mine and I ask her if she has anything to do with it or if she knows her. My friend tells me she has nothing to do with it, don’t know her much, but know enough of her to know I’m her type.

Cool, I have SOME info. No idea where the friend request came from, but you know what, if she’s trying to slide in my DMs, I’m 100% down, its a first for me. I end up accepting her request thinking if she’s really into me, she’s going to start the conversation. A week passed and nothing. Probably a week or a week and a half later she likes me on tinder. The signs are all pointing toward “she’s into me” I got tinder gold so I see she likes me and I tell myself, why not, she looks fun, she’s cute, I’d be down to get to know her so I swipe her and we match. I start off the convo on tinder, we have 1 or 2 back and forth of regular convo (Hey! had a nice day?) type of stuff but then nothing for a while.

I suspected she could either be shy or maybe she deleted her tinder acc, I did it couple times myself because I hate dating apps. I’m a fairly shy guy myself when I meet someone new, but generally once I get in a good convo and get to know the person I open up and get looser quick. I digress, no replies on tinder for about a week, I make the decision to take the matter in my own hands because she looks genuinely interesting and I’d rather take my shot in knowing her than missing an opportunity with a girl that could maybe be a good fit, who knows right + I’m thinking she “hit” on my first so maybe she’s actually shy. I go on facebook since she added me on there first and I tell her “Hey, I hate tinder’s chat, since we got each other on there I’d rather chat here if you want” and from there some small talks/back and forth happened but not much more. (She did tell me yesterday that she deleted tinder shortly after we matched so that explained the tinder ghosting)

I’m at the point that I’ve been talking to her for probably heh a week or so maybe? Typical hey, had a nice day? then few small questions or talk her and there. We had 1 talk where we actually talked about something we loved and had in common which was tattoos. She would often “love” some of my message, I try to not read too much into it, but at the same time, yeah I guess they can be a sign sometime?


I was considering asking her tonight if she wanted to talk, telling her that I’d like to poke her brain and know more about her. What do you guys think about that? I’m always scared of being too direct and I don’t want to come across as annoying, it’s only that I’d love to know about her, her passions, etc.

I already asked if we could see each other when I’ll come back from work (I do 14 days fly in/fly out type of work) and she agreed to see me and hang out. That being said, I’ve got 14 days where I’d like to know more about her since the internet exist and we can chat it up, am I doing too much? Ladies, would it come across as annoying if someone YOU added asked you if you wanted to talk / get your brain poked or would you actually like that?

1 comment
  1. Why’s everyone in here always make everything so damn complicated?

    She added you because she thought you’re cute or interesting. You’re already chatting, just call her and talk to her. Why do you need to ask her if she wants to have her brain poked? You should be trying to hang out with her not nervously asking if you have her permission to talk to her on the phone.

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