Unemployed and applying to a restaurant for a little over minimum wage. American dream.

  1. I’m in my 30s, 15 years work experience studied at a university as well as my girlfriend. We both work in social fields and can’t afford to by a house or even to buy a flat in our region, even if we paid it until retirement. Living die deutsche Wohnbau Politik der letzten 60 Jahre.

  2. college what? 10 years experience in what?

    It’s crazy to me that with the way the job market is nowadays that anyone with any marketable skills at all is unable to find a decent job. I own a business, nearly everyone in my friend group at this point is some kind of person who hires other people to some degree, nearly every one of them pays a lot more than the national average, by like 2x and 3x… and not a single one can find decent employees.

  3. Early 30s, experienced in my field for about 9years in Canada. College education. The best pay I can get is 60k annually. I get by my basic necessities on this pay. Fuck me

  4. Early 30’s I have a job I love, I got offered a job which I was gonna love even more, didn’t get a work permit for that country. 2022 was amazing in my professional life and the hobby/sport I love but 2022 was also the worst year of my personal life. I’m about to leave the job I love and go into an adventure that could not go well, but I have to take the risk.

  5. If you have a degree in history or women’s studies, not surprised. If it’s in any STEM subject you’re doing something wrong.

  6. My brother is in his 30s and makes a living as a server. Excellent money if you work at the right place and are good at your job.

  7. It ain’t for everyone but have you thought of the military? I’ve been in since age 24 as an officer, I’m 32 now. Traveled all over and get paid decently well to do all sorts of jobs within the service. With benefits and non-taxable income included, it’s a very comfortable living financially.

  8. Early 30’s 85k annual with new raise, car got repossessed because the weather was too bad so work slowed down and edd took too long to pay so I couldn’t pay for it.

  9. I lost 70 lbs, quit smoking and bettered my mental health – Only to get leukemia

    Got on chemo – Only to get WFH renegged and my boss to literally scream at me and threaten me, and was punished for calling out of work for chemo attacks

    I hit remission – Only to be punished and told to bring a Dr note for EVERY callout, where normal non-cancer employees still don’t have to

    My boss and half my team got Covid – I was still forced to mask up and incubate immunocompromised from chemo in a Covid breeding ground for 9 hours, multiple times, while they sat at home.

    I’ve tapped out. Cancer can’t even get me any fucking sympathy. This world can choke on my fucking smegma.

    Edit: And now I have to CRACK software I LEGALLY PAID FOR. Welcome to 2023.

  10. 33, broke up with girlfriend of 6 years 3 years ago. Couldn’t afford my own place so now living with Aunt who was close to my job before i got laid off in 2021 to Covid, not the disease just what it did to small businesses. Haven’t found another job yet even after hundreds of applications and 15 years in customer service. Panic attacks are near daily

  11. In my 30s I had a technology degree and a few years experience that landed me a decent paying job with great benefits. One of those perks was the company offered to cover the expense of up to two more degrees. Earned a Master degree, took a new position in the same company for a 27% raise in pay. 15 years laters I’m making 3 times my starting salary with no real limit to earning and growth potential.

    Make the most of what you have.

  12. Seems small compared to the other comments here, but the pandemic nuked my social and dating life and it still hasn’t recovered three years later.

    Trying to recreate a social life basically from scratch in your late thirties sucks and I don’t recommend it to anyone.

  13. I was dirt po in my early 30s/early oughts so my early 30s did **not** start well at all. Lucked out and got back into the tech field for one final insanely well paying hurrah. Got married before I got the job, wife got into home staging, made a shitload of money before 08. Took off from there.

    The lesson: prosperity = hyper good luck mode happens first then initiative, innovation and hard work. You’ve got to seize on an opportunity but never forget, without good luck to start with, you got nothing. The part that everything depends else on is totally out of your hands.

  14. Last year turned 30. Lost all my self confidence and esteem, not knowing what I want from life or how I should proceed, almost no friends, daily panic attacks

  15. I was flat broke and in debt at age 30. I was a late bloomer, college dropout, didn’t move out of my parents’ home until 25… Ended up stumbling into Internet tech support in the late 90s, and taught myself web dev and back-end programming… then quit to get into the spam business, lol. That actually went very well for a time, but I was a drunk and stoner so didn’t really work it as hard as I could have (and of course pissed all the money away on drugs, booze, and whores.)

    One day all that just… stopped, when the big mail providers began cracking down. I was pretty good at coding by that point, but couldn’t get a “real” job since my resume was spotty, nobody was hiring due to “SARS” here in my city, etc. Ended up working telemarketing and actively considering suicide. I had a lot of debt and a looming tax problem from my earlier activities, and couldn’t see any future that didn’t involve bankruptcy, shitty jobs, and poverty.

    I *finally* caught a break and got a legit coding gig (still at the company 20 years later, lol) Fixed up all my debt and tax issues, got into investing, and now I’m sitting pretty, looking to retire in 5 years.

    TL;DR: it might seem like life sucks now, but you never know when you’re going to catch a break.

    One thing though: are server jobs *really* all there is out there? I though unemployment was at record lows, and companies are crying for people? What’s your degree in?

  16. Unfortunately college educated doesn’t mean much without telling the degree and major. A person educated in engineering should expect a lot more money and access to jobs than someone that majored in anthropology or other liberal arts major.

  17. Early 30s, was in an accelerated LPN Nursing school program that my job was paying for.

    Tried to speak to the program director about problems of favoritism and bullying…. Only to then get needled and bullied out of the program. And fired for getting kicked out.

    Unemployed, applying to 3-5 jobs a day, want nothing to do with the medical field, I have little other experience, so the only jobs I really qualify for is *drum roll* the medical field.

    Edit: typo

  18. This happened in my late 20s.

    On my 24th birthday, I was living the dream. Newly married, just bought a house, and my wife & I owned a small but busy gymnasium.

    Five years later, the business had gone, marriage had gone and the house was gone. I was working in temp jobs, sleeping on friend’s sofas & was multiple substance abusing.

    Sorted my life out fortunately. 30s were all about recovery. 40s were a struggle, but the rewards started coming through, and my 50s are really great.

  19. I’m at the point in the ADD downward spiral that I know hop bad it’s ruining my life and my relationships but I just can’t bring myself to get help. I sit there and do nothing all day and still can’t find the time to actually do anything useful.

  20. 32f. Financially I’m good but my dating life sucks. Before COVID I would go on dates, go out with friends, go to the gym, etc.

    After COVID, I stopped going out. I always wear a mask so guys don’t approach me anymore. I’m guessing the mask makes me unapproachable.

    I’m too self conscious about my skin to do online dating where I have to post pictures of myself. I no longer have acne but I have a lot of scarring & it makes me feel very self conscious

  21. Early 30s, dripped out of uni so barely any high level education, I live in a cold box, currently have a hospitality job on minimum wage, on government assistance. If I spend my money on things I need (let alone want), I’d finish the month with no money.

    At my age my dad already had 3 kids and a 2 bedroom home.🤷🏾‍♂️

  22. Got laid off twice; One of the times in 2016 lost all my life savings as I couldn’t find a professional job for year. Still recovering from that career and life setback.

  23. Early 30s looking for a career and living in my parents RV… Sounds like it’s not terrible but, I’ve had a house I’ve moved across the country multiple times and the RV is probably 10 years old…

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