Please don’t have a go at me saying I shouldn’t have fwb or casual situations I was more than happy with this!

I’ve found out tonight my fwb (34m) I’m (31f) has had a 19 year old girl round his house tonight and I can’t help but be mad! The last time I saw him he tried to make me jealous by showing me a message off her so I was aware of her. We had a huge argument about it and he told me he gets girls messaging him and it means nothing to him and he kept apologising to me and I stupidly believed him!

I found out as she posted a photo of a takeaway they’ve ordered and I could see it was his bed and she made sure she got his name on the receipt showing on her Instagram post (he’s a professional boxer).

I’m so mad because this guy has not left me alone! He has got back off holiday and a part of me thinks why is she so special he had to see her as soon as he was back! He Has told me my body is his and his body is mine! I just feel so disrespected by now and I just need to rant!

  1. You have a right to stop seeing him. You have a right to tell him you’d rather not hear about this and stop seeing him if he keeps telling you.

  2. Mad? No.

    Creeped out? Definitely.

    Why the fuck is this grown man(?) fucking a teenager. Gross.

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