Out of those, how many rejected you and how many did you date?

  1. 10 attempts, 10 dates. 8 second dates, 7 homers, 1 long relationship, 0 kids.

    Like yoda said, “do or do not, there is no try.”

  2. Does tinder count as asking? If so, y’all got bigger numbers or rejections than you think.

  3. I can’t remember

    Probably hundreds

    And I have had dated some, banged with some, rejected by some 😅 Just the usual

  4. i kept a list! but i forgot many to put on (after being married and waifu wanted me to unfriend everyone i had on fb lul). 16 ONS, 12 FWB/booty calls, 9 gfs.

    … 29 i asked out so 9 asked me out?

    tinder/fast dating didn’t exist when i was dating, we only had myspace, facebook, plenty of fish, eharmony. i pretty much hit 2-5 bars every fri/sat, talked to ladies after college classes, approached at parties, in community, etc for a few years and tried to strike up a conversation with any lady that was looking.

    LOTS of rejection but if i was rejected 3+ times in a night, i often had at least 1 phone number to hang on to?

  5. When I was 17 – 1 girl. Failure.

    When I was 21 – 1 girl. Failure.

    When I was 25 – 1 girl. Short term relationship

    When I was 35 – 1 girl. Longer term relationship.

    When I was 38 – 1 girl. Married.

    So 5 girls.

  6. At least a few hundred. Only one said yes. I married her out of desperation. Now I’ve got a miserable marriage and two kids to show for it. I am headed for a divorce and am just starting to accept I will die alone.

  7. Thousands probably, and most of them. It’s a numbers game, and I tend to go for the best.

    Even top top players and men who look like giga chad get rejected more than not.

  8. Negative 3, first one we had a 1.5+ years relationship. Number two was rejected by me since I was in no head space to be in a relationship. Number 3 I am currently with and loving all the time I get with her.

    It is odd that all the girls have asked me out.

  9. Probably like 7. A few guys too. Dated a few of the girls and none of the guys. Most of the time I was asked I was in a relationship so I had to reject like 4

  10. A few, as in not many.

    Only ever got rejected once and that was by a girl who I knew didn’t like me, I don’t know why I asked her out!

    I dated everyone else though, slept with a few of them, let some of them fizzle out after the first date a couple went “long term”.

  11. 19-one girl- dated for a year

    22- one girl not only rejected me but laughed in my face

    27- one girl, ended up engaged, broke it off after I caught her cheating

    36- one girl-dated for 2 years, broke off when her kid asked me to move in

    so 4 total

  12. I cannot count how many women I have asked out. I don’t remember all of them.

    It’s definitely the minority that says “yes.” I don’t remember how many women I’ve asked out and been on dates with, but that number is still much smaller than the number I asked out and didn’t go on dates with.

  13. 5, 3 Rejects, 2 Short-Terms… hopefully, I have a long-term relationship in the future, but I haven’t really met anyone I really like in that kind of way these days.
    So, we’ll see…

  14. Four. All said “yes”. One date ended up in talking about exes, another one was a complete disaster. Had chemistry with third girl, but we ended up as friends.
    And the forth one is my partner over a year.

  15. One. And we’ve been dating happily since. Just passed one year a few months ago 😀

  16. 3 and two of those rejected me. One I’ve been on one date with, so let’s where that goes.

  17. I “ask out” or otherwise flirt with, or make my intentions known to a high number of women.

    I’d estimate:
    40% politely say no in some form on the spot
    30% don’t text back the next day
    15% we just “talk” no date
    15% date(s)

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