what was the strongest you’ve ever felt?

  1. Shoved an 8 yard dumpster out of my way while it was full. Sure it took every ounce of my being and my arms and core were sore for days but it made me feel like a badass

  2. When I finished undergrad I started a graduate program in a different state, therefore my girlfriend and I had to be long distance. My new roommate was a gym rat, and he got my ass out to the gym every day. I was pretty pudgy my whole life, so I was starting to get way more defined.

    Finally my girlfriend had a chance to visit me after a few months. The look she gave me when she was feeling my shoulders…yeah that was worth it. She basically attacked me. It was awesome

  3. Either the time I had to hoist a remained L4 into the back of a pickup truck by myself with no hoist

    Or the time I bent a steel cabinet door in half on accident in a fit of rage after an argument with my boss.

  4. When I ran a marathon and when I got my kickboxing black belt.

    The marathon was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

  5. During training for a kickboxe tournament. I has lost a lot of weight to cut the weightcass,I felt something I have never felt again in my life, a lot of power overall, the feeling of having two springs instead of two legs.

  6. Carried my daughter and gf up the stairs at the same time in my arms, skipping steps. That was one of those moments that surprised me.

  7. When I would wake up in the morning for work. When the sun hit my skin I could feel energy filling me up.

  8. I used to work a production job and would take a Yellow Jacket (300mg caffeine+ 25mg of ephedra) and wash it down with two Red Bulls. I swear I could have run through a block wall. I felt unstoppable

  9. When I was a highschool boy I managed to out wrestle one of the largest kid in gym class. The PE teacher came over and was like “he beat him?” with visible confusion

  10. My mum asked me to help her move a rock in the garden. I picked it up and walked a lap around the house with it.

  11. Climbing V10

    Also, despite lacking any significant experience or training, somehow keeping my head together when the woman I was with decided to suddenly stop taking clonazepam and one night went through several consecutive, rapid cycles of extreme psychosis, seizures, and passing out until I had her pinned down and almost had to force-feed her a pill, at which point she (thank God) had a moment of lucidity just long enough to take it herself. Benzos are the fucking devil.

  12. I was never very athletic or strong as a kid. In my late 30s I picked up lifting and worked on it a lot. I never thought my numbers were especially good because I was always comparing them to what I saw online, but with time I got up to a 235 bench, a 155 OHP, and a 315 DL (my squat sucked due to mobility issues).

    Around that time I started to realize that I was a lot stronger than a lot of dads I knew, just doing simple stuff like helping carry furniture or throwing mulch bags around or whatever I realized that a lot of guys aren’t really that strong and the power lifter numbers I saw online were sort of selection biased.

  13. When I was a senior in high school and maxed out the leg press machine at my gym. It couldn’t hold any more plates.

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