i noticed i am almost physically incapable of ending conversations or hang out sessions

– i feel guilty and awkward
-i don’t know how to say goodbye , like i literally can’t think of the words to use
– sometimes i can’t even decide if i want to stay or leave lmao

is there a way to practice untangling yourself from situations or do you just have to kinda exposure therapy it ? in fine with that but man, you really have to keep social skills sharp🤣 i swear they dissolve faster than muscles. Anyone else have this problem? it sucks because it causes me to dread interactions because i know I’ll never be able to get myself out when my social battery inevitably dies

  1. I totally understand 😂 but the good thing is: as soon as you understand that it really doesn’t matter how smooth you end an interaction (as long as your friendly and nice), nobody really cares.
    And that’s why you can do what feels right for you

  2. I understand this completely. Here’s my take on it:

    I’ve noticed most people tend to utilise the “wrapping up” of a conversation to “leave a lasting impression”. What this means is even if the conversation in its entirety wasn’t immaculate, it doesn’t matter because the ending acted as a neatly tied bow.

    I’ve noticed these same people say certain things that I myself find uncomfortable to say but find pleasant to hear (even if I don’t respond amazingly to it). For example “It was nice meeting you – I hope you enjoy the rest of your day :)” as opposed to my personal favourite “Catch”. I myself am learning that it’s okay to spend a bit more time to articulate what you’d like to say – especially if the conversation was actually worth sticking around for. But I use this approach very sparingly otherwise it tends to lose its sentimentality

  3. To be honest I think of how when my people tell me they have to go or even if they tell me they’re done hanging out, I don’t care or take it personally. So I assume other people feel the same way. I even have a friend who told the rest of us we needed to get out because she had work early in the morning and it made me laugh. So I don’t think most people take offense or give it a second thought.

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