Before anyonr says anything : I know about asymptomatic shedding.

I have ohsv 1 since childhood. My bf caught oral hsv1 from me (at least we believe so since he is an annoying ass and kept kissing and drinking from my things when I had a cold sore even though I warned him several times and he said he didn’t care. It’s not a stigma in my country).

But I’m worried about the transmission to our genitals through oral which we have almost weekly… I usually just avoid it when I have a cold sore and a week after as I assumed there’s asymptomatic shedding at that time, when the sore seems to disappear.

We’ve been together for almost 3 years and I never transmitted to him down there using this method.

Has anyone else have the same experience?

  1. Since he’s already gotten an oral infection from his cavalier carelessness, it’s exceedingly unlikely that either of you will spread it to other sites.

  2. If both of you already have HSV1 orally, you should be safe from getting it genitally as your immune system already has antibodies to it.

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