Once a woman I know repeated a lot to me a phrase that was something like “Guy who doesn’t try, girl who says goodbye” and I was like “Well, goodbye!”.

  1. There was a woman at my work who would nonchalantly and quickly say, “You don’t have to take me home, just take me to the back seat of your car.” almost like she was trying to plant a subliminal message. It’s not that I wasn’t interested, but she would say it abruptly and in front of coworkers, and I just never knew how to respond in the moment.

  2. A few years ago, a small (and very fat, which is a turn off to me) girl was apparently attracted to me. I was in her town for no more than a few months, and I didn’t really care for a relationship at the time.

    We were in a group of friends, regularly watched some movies etc. She would make sure she was especially close to me, lean on me or as for massages.

    Well, I mostly rejected her, but she insisted after some time, by text, that we should do some activity just the both of us. I started by saying I wasn’t available, but then she asked for other times. I ended up saying something like « I don’t think I’ll be available for that kind of thing at any given time ». She answered with « oh, I see what it’s like » and we never talked again.

    So yeah. I caught the hint pretty early on, but she didn’t catch mine.

  3. Had a study partner in college that was interested in me. She was overweight and extremely into being a Democrat. I am not attracted to overweight women or people that are extremely into either political party. She kept saying we need to go out for margaritas. She must have mentioned it 10 times on different occasions.

  4. When I was a bartender there were two women at the bar, and one of them was being chatted up by some guy. I make small talk with the other since I could tell she’s feeling awkward having no one to talk to. Very quickly she’s asking what time we close the bar at, what time I’m usually finished by, what I’m doing after. I realise she’s trying to see if I’m up for meeting up after my shift, but I’m afraid that she’s had a bit much to drink and with me being sober I didn’t want to be seen as taking advantage of her.

    When working at the same bar, a coworker kept going out of her way to talk to me. When I was on the top floor and she was on the bottom, she’d go all the way upstairs and say “I seen on the plan you were working up here so I wanted to say hi” for example. I just played dumb and chatted with her, and ended up leaving that job not long after.

  5. Girl that I went on a couple dates with ghosted me. It’s okay. That happens. I promptly forgot about her.

    She ends up resurfacing in my life a couple of years later when she shows up at the same bar me and one of my friend groups regularly hang at. She ends up joining the friend group. I was happy to catch up with her, but no longer interested dating her.

    She sleeps with many of the guys in my friend group. I have no problem with that. They’re all consenting adults, they can do what they want.

    Then she talks to me and apologizes for ghosting me those years ago. She was going though some mental health stuff. I understood. Then she hints to me that she’d like to rekindle things.

    I just respond with a vague “yeah, we can hang out more…”, but I have zero interest in dating or having sex with her. I was already just no longer attracted to her (my tastes have changed), and even if I was, I just don’t like to date friends. Especially in those kinda incestuous friend groups where everyone has fucked everyone else. I’ve never participated in that web of fucking in that group. While they go through different permutations of relationships within the group, I go out and meet new people.

  6. Best man at my friend’s wedding and his cousin was also in the wedding. She was nice enough but I had no interest in her and didn’t find her attractive. She was giving all the signs and was so obvious I even noticed. It was to the point where my buddies mother said something to me along the lines of you two could go find somewhere and hookup.

    I was polite, and she never came out and said anything, so I avoided some sort of awkward conversation at the rehearsal, wedding, or reception.

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