So I was supposed to meet with this “friend” at an air show, yet he didn’t show up, and only contacted me a day after apologizing that he did not came because he was at a party. The funny thing is, we talked a week prior to the air show to meet there. Now my question is, how can I prevent this from happening, and why is this happening even?

  1. This is happening because this event or meet up isn’t that important to the other person and that’s why they care less…
    The best thing you can do is to surround yourself with people who are really happy to meet you and who wont forget

  2. People are doing this more and more I find. Not sure why it’s becoming socially acceptable.

    Find a new friend for sure but tell this one why this hurt your feelings first. They deserve to know before getting ghosted.

    Also, they’re right about confirming ahead of time and/or inviting multiple people so it’s no biggie if some don’t show up. Reality minus expectations is happiness.

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