i am (20m) in a relationship with my gf (19f) for 3 months. we actually have a love story enduring for about 3 years, but because of some immaturity and mental problems of both of us it never worked out before even though we are each others only loves of whole life and truly soulmates. she has a story of experimenting with being a lesbian but it was due to certain reasons i dont wanna bring up here. and many times she said it was just a phase and actually even during that phase she didnt feel anything sexually towards girls. last time one of her ex girls texted her to meet up and she did and actually i joined them and it was fun. few days later they went out alone coz for 3-4 days a week we are in a long distance due to my uni. they got very drunk. actually while they were here my gf was texting me that this girl really liked me and that she sees we are created for each other and so on and so on. after some time they probably started kissing. i know my gf wasnt the one who initiated it. it started from the other girl innocently kissing her on a forhead but led to even biting. when it came to “french” kissing my gf stopped it and left the bar they did it in. she immediately started to text me and called me crying all over. she said all of this and actually i believe her its true coz neither she had to tell it at all, it wouldnt be hard to conceal it, nor she missed some details. i think i can get over this but i can still be in some kind of denial. i think there is too much to waste and i havent thought about leaving her for any minute. i just dont know how serious it is, and how big implications on a future can it cause..

tldr: i wanna know how important such a drunk kiss is and how should we work on this situation, cause i decided to forgive. i still cant forget tbh…

  1. She needs to give you two really good answers: was the forehead kissing okay and, if it wasn’t, what is she going to do to not find herself in those situations going forward. Because something she didn’t want started happening and she didn’t know how to stop it until very far down the line. That’s a risk she needs to avoid by not being at the place where things even start.

    You’ll feel better knowing those answers.

  2. Why are you going to stay with someone who cheated on you? Don’t you respect yourself?

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