So I met a girl 2 days ago after around two weeks of talking. The first date went pretty well, ended the night kissing at the train station before getting on separate trains home (very romantic movie vibes lol)

The next day I decided to strike when the iron is hot and ask her for a second date, she quickly said yes and she wanted to see me again.

I kind of expected a bit of progression, maybe some warmer text or more frequent as we were talking a fair bit before.

Suddenly she barely talking, leaving me on read and I just puzzled?

I rarely double message or message tons, but barely once a day I have got a message from her over the last 2 days and I just unsure if thats normal or maybe its not?

Im not messaging her loads and playing it cool, but a bit unsure if this is normal after such a great first date and a second one under a week away?

1 comment
  1. My man, unfortunately, this is very common. Why did she do it? Who knows.

    I’ve had this happen to me at least a couple dozen times in the last couple years. Seemingly good/great first date, she gets home and texts she had a really nice time and thanks me. Ask her out again to a place we discussed on our date. Then it becomes a flow chart (assuming she doesn’t actually want to go out. If she does then we just go out as normal)

    Ask her out and she agrees -> texting dynamic changes completely and she texts way less -> day before/day of date -> Sorry, I can’t make it something came up -> Do you want to reschedule? -> No response/I’m really busy these next couple of weeks I’ll let you know -> Ghost

    Why do they do this? Who knows? Maybe they are afraid of commitment? Maybe they just wanted a fun date and now you are pushing the relationship forward by asking for a second date? Maybe they were talking to a few other guys and after going out with you they don’t feel as strongly about you as they do them? Maybe you did something that turned her off and she was just unsure how to turn you down. It could be literally anything.

    My favorite is when I come back to a dating app a few months later and see them still on there looking and it’s like ???

    No use worrying about it brother. Just keep looking and if she wants to come back to you then she will.

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