UPDATE: it’s done. It went as good as I think it could have. Lots of tears, and one of the hardest goodbyes I’ve ever had to make, but we closed our chapter and we’re moving on. Crying on my couch rn. Gonna go take a walk before it gets dark


We’ve already talked about our relationship and growing distant and stuff over the phone, but we’ve come to the conclusion that we’re not going to be together anymore, and this is basically him getting his stuff and to have a final talk about it so we can have some closure and say goodbye. Idk where the best place to have this discussion is? A park? My apartment? I feel safe and comfortable, although there will be tears from both of us, I don’t feel threatened in any way. We dated for almost 9 months, so it’s just going to hurt no matter what.

He’s coming in like 90 minutes. Any advice for me?

  1. Somewhere neutral that you won’t want to necessarily go to again. For example, a park you enjoy might end up feeling like a place with negative connotations if you go there. Away from home so that you aren’t stuck and you can close the conversation when you choose.

  2. I mean- he’s going to your house to pick up everything. Just do it there. I wouldn’t string it out any longer than it needs to be.

  3. Another commenter said this earlier but I like the park idea. It means that if you decide to leave early or end the conversation for any reason you have a place of comfort to go to.

  4. Update: turns out here aren’t as many good places or parks as I thought. So i think we’re just going to talk in my living room..

  5. UPDATE: it’s done. It went as good as I think it could have. Lots of tears, and one of the hardest goodbyes I’ve ever had to do, but we closed our chapter and we’re moving on. Crying on my couch rn. Gonna go take a walk before it gets dark

  6. hey i’m hurting really bad too. but my ex just grabbed his hoodie, gave me a long kiss and left me crying. no words said

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