Hey guys,

So, some days ago a group of friends and myself [22 M] went out to party till 6am, me and another friend[23/f] were together most of the time, but i was very drunk, she was not. Tbh i dont remember much of that night but i am guessing i was annoying, cringe, obnoxious, etc to her sometimes. Should i apologize to her about that?

I feel like i may be overthinking this, she has been drunk around me previously (and a little annoying haha), besides we’re all in our 20s so…But at the same time, maybe i was too fucking annoying that evening.

**tl;dr**: Me [22 M] and some friends went out to party, i was with this friend [23 F] almost the whole evening and pretty drunk,she wasn’t. I am annoying while drunk, should i apologize to her about my behavior that day or just let it go?

  1. You could just talk to her and ask if you did anything you need to apologize for/

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