One of the many difficult things I am facing is trying to uphold the conversation….when I try to do so drastically…I speak things that are pointless and useless…people then understand I am nonsense and walks away from me…no respect in college and surrounding…even a little child is insulting me…and giving me that “oh you poor soul” pathetic look….I am tired of this….even kids way younger than me are not respecting me…but when they need help somehow they easily convince me and make me think I am the one who owe them and makes me complete their work on my own volition…just tierd of this shitty society….

  1. I understand it might be challenging not being very good at making conversation, in fact for many that is a learned skill. If you find it extremely difficult maybe you should try to enroll in some course or workshop to learn how to effectively communicate. I took a workshop last year in improvisation and it really improved my small talk as well. Don’t give up ! You got this 🙂

  2. If you know something about it then share, otherwise say, “I don’t know anything about that, tell me more!”

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