
Husband here. My wife’s taken 3 or 4 out of town vacations in the last 6 months by herself which , in and of itself, i don’t mind, i have a busy job.

My wife insisted she needed a brand new grand wagoneer last spring which is way above and beyond what we need, and wouldn’t consider anything less expensive, and i thought this was a dumb purchase from day 1.

I guess if she made the same $$ or more than i do and that’s how she wanted to piss away money, that’d be one thing.

After tax I make about $2400/week whereas she’s more like $1200/week.
My truck payment is $363/month, her car, $1515/mo .

My payment is like a fraction of what i make in a month whereas hers is damn near 30% of her monthly income.

I feel like trying to ever go anywhere in life (career / $ wise) is pointless. No matter how much i make, she’ll find a way to piss away money to where we’re still in the same financial position regardless.

I’d like to max my 401k, DCA regularly into index funds, take a vacation once or twice a year and have reasonable (or no) car payments . Not something wife seems interested in .

Anyone else been in a similar situation?

  1. WOW, so that’s not even close to fair. I mean, do the math and make a decision. She’s willing to throw your future under the bus for things you can’t afford. If you make $1200 a week you are crazy to be spending that much on a vehicle, it’s so bad. The vacations? Where does this entitlement come from? I would have no respect for someone so greedy and selfish, she’s a nightmare and the sooner you call it quits the less you’re going to end up spending.

  2. That kind of spending will become a marriage-ender if she doesn’t get it under control. You have to start drawing the line before she completely financially fucks up both of your lives.

  3. Purchases like that vehicle are so financially illiterate it would make me question any long term goal. Does she even think about retirement? Expecting you to work until you die to finance her lifestyle? Ever want kids?

    There’s no way you guys are on the same page financially. Sit down and put a written budget together. No f’ing way I’m paying for a depreciating asset like that.

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