After a few years in my group of friends where I had some problems with one friend, some of my friends have manifested they don’t want me as a friend anymore. The other day I had a birthday party for one of my friends with which I am still friends with. Many of these people ignored me, didn’t ask for my life, didn’t communicate with me, afterwards we went on a walk and almost nobody talked to me. It hurt a lot, but I saved face and put some tough attitude to pull through in order not to break down or cry or something of the sort.

The matter is, there are still some of my best friends there, but few of them are still friends with me, and that sucks. I am trying to be kind to everyone, even to the people that clearly don’t want me anymore, but I can’t stop thinking, they are being assholes to me. Was thinking about leaving these people, but I know that is what they are trying to do by completely ignoring me, so I stuck to them as a subtle “okay, I get it, but I don’t care!”, and I am kind to everyone and interested in their lives.

Any thoughts?

  1. Try to minimize the time you have to spend with people who don’t appreciate your time and yourself… it will make your life much harder Meeting with them.
    If you can, just meet with the people who like you and you like back

  2. I’m curious, the people in the group that you are still friends with, how do they react to this treatment of you from the other “friends”? Do they stand up for you?

  3. Life sucks. Seriously. I have a friend who almost exclusively “reads” my messages. But actually only opens them to clear his notifications. Even friends don’t give a shit.

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