Any tips/stories or anything would be appreciated

  1. We’ve both been married and divorced before. I looked at her and said, “I’m never doing that shit again. If we get married, we’re STAYING married.”

  2. That’s a very vague question to a very specific situation. Divorce should be a last resort, have you exhausted all options for trying to fix your marriage?

  3. Before the conversation, say “we need to talk.” They’ll know an important talk is about to happen.

  4. When I did it was with a purpose ( in my case it was infidelity on her part) – but you are not offering this in any shape or form ( as to a reason) . Can you offer anything in the shape of information ( or reason you want a divorce) ?

    Because as I have read this – I would agree with what other people are saying and are going to say. . . and that is open up and have a conversation.

    People are not a plastic piece to be inserted into a machine – we are to be worked with and allowed to grow and change as needed.

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