My backstory-

I play a game called Valorant. It requires very quick thinking and fast responses. It’s heavily team based so you need to communicate with your teammates to get a strategy down and win. Since the game is very fast paced, everything needs to happen really quickly and wasting time on speaking normally isn’t an option. So I started speaking insanely fast. In the beginning it was just in game but later I started speaking really really fast in real life too.

My problem-

I’m speaking so fast now that people can’t understand what I’m saying most of the time. When I intentionally try to speak slowly I do speak slowly but still even that’s difficult to understand for some people. Most of the time when I speak I don’t really think about speaking slowly most of the time. I have to speak slowly intentionally. How do I fix this?

  1. You need to take some time every day (5-10 minutes) and practice to talk slowly.
    It is the same way as you learned to speak fast, now you need to get used to speaking slowly again.

    Trust in the process 😁

  2. Do you talk faster than Ben Shapiro. If you do you are borderline. He’s very hard to understand.

  3. I also played Valorant and CSGO a lot and being a bit direct here – it has nothing to do with you speaking fast. People speak fadt mostly because they’re insecure so they try to get they’re point out as fast as they can. The solution is to go out of your comfort zone, speak with more people and increase your confidence. These are not easy to do and you should research more about it but that’s the base of it.

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