To be more specific: if you have a romantic relationship, what level of involvement from your mother would be acceptable?

  1. My relationship with my mom is good.

    I don’t know what you mean by “What dynamic would be acceptible?”.

    Edit: I just saw the post edit. The level of involvment of my mom in my romantic relationships is fairly normal. She and wife are friendly, spend time together, and get along fairly well. As both my wife and I are adults she doesn’t insert herself into our relationship or offer unsolicited advice.

  2. We’re close, but my mom is not and has never been involved in my romantic life and that’s fine with me.

    If I’m dating someone she’ll ask about them, but she’s never criticized anyone I’ve dated or tried to meddle like that.

  3. I’m close with my mom and she really likes my SO if that’s what you’re asking. She’s not “involved” in anything though. We’re all adults and our relationship now is more like really good friends rather than parent / child.

  4. I would say it’s okay. We don’t have any active problems, but only really talk when we need something from each other. She said she loves me and I love her, but we don’t really talk or anything.

    I was dating a woman for a while. After things fell through, I offhandedly told my dad what happened. I never even told my mom I was trying to date.

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