So I am Engaged and my fiancé works in construction ,while he was at work I Tried to talk dirty to him like in Sunday I am alone (I live in moment with my parents) and we Going to have a hot night and he just left me on read I then send him a TikTok like som sex TikTok I don’t no and he was mad at me and said don’t you do other things than talk dirty all day like a bitch are you a whore I mean I was mad at him but I don’t know why , I can’t understand ?

  1. He just called you a bitch and whore? But you dont know why you are mad at him? Clealry this guy sounds like a douche bag and doesnt share your sexual nature or if he is implying when he asks you to do certain things, you wont. I dont know the whole dynamic of this relationship, but if the man who claims to love me calls me a whore, Im not sticking around

  2. Talk to him. Hopefully he just missed what you were trying to do. If not, it could be a red flag and I might reconsider marrying this dude.

  3. Even if your fiancé doesn’t like dirty talk, the name calling is a gigantic red flag.

  4. Are you dumb? Call off the engagement. If he’s like this now it’ll only get worse when you get married. He doesn’t respect you and clearly doesn’t care to fulfill your needs sexually.

  5. Sounds like you’re not sexually compatible.

    You seem to want a man that appreciates your sexuality and he wants a woman that gets turned on only when he wants her to be turned on and without any effort on his part.

  6. Unless you are into being degraded ( which I guess you are not), this issue is you want to explore sexually and he is obviously not on board with having a woman who wants to feel sexy. I am getting the feeling you and him might not be sexually compatible.

  7. Seriously reconsider spending the rest of your life with a guy who calls you a whore and bitch.

    Has he called you names in the past?

    Is he a kind person?

    Does he always treat you with respect?

    You deserve a happy, healthy relationship with someone who treats you with full respect. Someone who lifts you up and does not put you down. Make sure that is this person.

  8. He’s too Immature for you. He needs to grow up. You didn’t deserve to be disrespected by him. Dump him and find someone that isn’t a little boy . You can read my response to him.

  9. I call my wife a bitch sometimes when I am really angry. But, if I called her a whore she would go Loraina Bobbit on my ass.

  10. Girl, bye. Leave him. He clearly doesn’t like you. He may want to sleep with you and ejaculate while using you but he doesn’t respect you.
    I wish someone I was in a relationship with would call me a bitch and a whore. GET HIM OUT OF YOUR LIFE.
    Then put his ass on blast. Tell everyone: his momma, his nieces and nephews, his pastor, his barber.

    You are not a bitch or a whore for wanting to be intimate with your partner.
    You can do way better than his machismo, vanilla, unwashed asshole.

  11. Im Usually a pretty reserved guy but F this douche, you can’t be in love with ass hat your just afraid of being alone. Abuse is never a good option but leaving is.

  12. You don’t understand why you’re mad at him……? Girl are you ok? Please get out of that abusive relationship ASAP before you are stuck

  13. You’re going to get married to a guy who calls you bitch and whore just because you wanted to talk dirty to him? This will only get worse with time. Run before it’s too late. Don’t marry this piece of shit.

  14. I’m sorry for your plight… But, I can’t understand this run-on paragraph question you wrote. Can someone translate?

  15. Do not marry a man who emotionally abuses you and calls you names.. over a dirty text.

  16. The things people put up with just to say they are married. Especially women because society makes women feel like they must have a husband to be relevant.

    He doesn’t care about your sexual needs, you said in the comments he rather you please him with a BJ and calls you terrible names.

    You also implied his age made you think he’s mature. He’s not. That is the reason why he went for someone a decade younger.

    Age gap relationships aren’t always horrible but men like this who go for much younger women go for them for a reason. This man doesn’t see you or value you as a human being. This goes beyond sex.

    But you’re “in love” and you’re going to learn the hard way. But almost all of us have hard lessons in life.

  17. I’ve asked lovers not to send me spicy stuff at times for various reasons. But my response was to say, “I’m at work so please don’t text me sexy stuff. Let’s save it for when we’re together please.” His response is immature & abusive. Leave him ASAP.

  18. I wish my wife talked dirty to me, he’s fucking lucky, I don’t get jack shit like that he should be greatful fuck this.

  19. Wow. It’s one thing to say, “Hey, I’m not really into dirty talk.”, but for him to call you a bitch and a whore?
    Girl, this man is trash. 🚩🚩🚩

  20. It sounds like he doesn’t respect you. You need to love yourself more than him, or else you will end up in an abusive marriage. It is entirely possible to find someone who will respect you and love you for what you deserve

  21. I’m just putting this out for reference. 20 years I was married to my late husband. You know how many times he ever called me names? NOT ONCE.

    Do not settle for less than what you deserve.

  22. You need to talk to him. Now. Before you get married or go further

    Was he trying to hurt you or did he think that he was being sexy back? If derogatory terms is a dealbreaker then that’s a conversation you need to have, he may think you’d enjoy it. Or you may need to reevaluate the relationship

  23. 🚩🚩🚩

    He’s older, in his 30s, so he may not change.

    You should reconsider spending your life with someone who you are sexually incompatible with.

    Don’t ignore the issues because you feel in love. Based on your comments, this is not the man for you.

  24. I know a lot of people are giving advice – but I want to ask.

    Info: Can you leave him and be safe in your country?

    If you need assistance there are programs to help, everything you’ve said so far sounds like the beginning stages of domestic abuse. Please consider your safety and mental well being.

    [This is “the hotline” – I don’t know what country you’re in but if you feel scared please consider reaching out, it’s confidential ](

  25. Why are you typing like you’re drunk… could barely make it to the end of your post lol

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