Where did you meet the scammer? How were you scammed? What did you do after? What lesson can you share from your experience?

  1. Met a guy on OkCupid, we really hit it off and shared a lot of the same hobbies and interests, he was super cute and crazy shy

    We ended up meeting at a place for lunch and he looked a lot different in person, he was a lot skinnier than his pictures and his clothing was…bad

    He ordered SOOOOOOOOOO much fucking food and ate every last bit, he ordered 2 hamburgers, a full sized pizza, multiple orders of fries, and he gulped it down like it was nothing

    We were having a good time talking and laughing when suddenly he just says “I gotta go use the bathroom”

    He NEVER came back

    I ended up paying the bill which was nearly 200$

    He later texted me on OkCupid and said “I am sorry I am very poor and very hungry, please forgive” then deleted his account and that was that

    I now get super paranoid whenever a date orders something expensive lol

  2. I had a guy try to catfish me once. He was super beautiful and I was suspicious because all his photos seemed too staged and he was trying very hard to progress things (emotionally) beyond where I felt we were at. I reverse image searched his photos and found the guy whose pics he was using. I messaged him saying “x would be so proud” (using the real name of the person he was claiming to be) and he immediately blocked me.

    It didn’t bother me. I wasn’t invested at all, and we’d only been talking a couple of days, but I do wonder sometimes what the end goal is. I can’t imagine it’s a lucrative scam?

  3. Huntress, I’m confused. Hamburgers, pizza, fries are not expensive food. How come the bill is so high?

    For some reason I can’t respond directly.

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