What myth about women is 100% UNTRUE and makes you angry when you hear it?

  1. “Pair bonding” nonsense, especially when it’s used to shame women for their sexual history. And also that vaginas become naturally “looser” from more sex partners and that the appearance of the labia also changes from such. 🙄

  2. Recently some guy told me women shouldn’t train their backs because “who likes a woman with a big back? That’s not attractive to anybody” – here’s me with posture 1000x better than five months ago thanks to what? Training my back.

  3. Cellulite or stretch marks means you’re overweight, unfit, or something is wrong with you.

  4. Endometriosis is NOT retrograde menstruation. It develops when we’re fetuses. As early as 10 weeks of development. It can not be prevented or cured. The best treatment is excision surgery with a real endo expert like Dr Malcolm Mackenzie or Dr Ken Sinervo.

    The severe misinformation about endo is just horrific. The best and most up to date endo library is Nancys Nook. She even has an international surgeon list that performs excision surgeries.

  5. That you can hold in your period so using pads/tampons/period cups are wasteful. And my favorite- women can prevent pregnancy when raped by pure willingness or by “closing our legs” 😅

  6. If we comment negatively on an age gap relationship, then we are clearly jealous of the younger woman’s looks….nothing to do with concern for her well-being or the power balance…

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