Our 16 yr old son has had a girlfriend who is 17 for a couple of months, everything seems to be going fine on the emotional front. There is obviously a good chance they are having sex or planning to have sex. We know for sure he was carrying condoms around before this but we weren’t sure if it was more in a hopeful manner more than anything else!

What do you recommend either his dad or I discuss with him regarding sex and contraception? What would you recommend we DON’T say. I imagine it’s best coming from his dad, but at the same time my son confides in me more about her and their relationship. I don’t mind talking to him about this, but not sure if its the best idea. What are your thoughts?

  1. He’s sixteen so I’m guessing he understands that he needs protection and possibly even(depending on sex ed in your area) knows how to use them. I think what he needs to be aware of is that there is NO BC method is 100% effective, so he needs to make sure he knows that if it doesn’t fit properly it may not prevent the obvious consequences. This will be a very awkward conversation so the person to talk to him should be the person he’s most comfortable with.

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