I went to my favorite club tonight and I had such a bad time. Yesterday I got several girls to dance with me but today I just kept getting rejected. I went up to this girl and I told her that I liked her style and asked if she wanted to dance. She gave me an expression as if I was just some weirdo and she said I’m good. She looked really uncomfortable.

I don’t mind rejection. Nobody wants to be rejected though. It’s just the way that I get rejected that messes with me. It’s never like a no thank you. It’s always them giving me a weird face and saying something rude. It’s a club. What makes matters worse. That same girl tried her best to start grinding on this other guy after she rejected me. The other guy wasn’t interested but I guess he knew her.

I just feel like maybe I have a bad reputation at that club or maybe I’m a lot more creepy than I think I am. I don’t know, but I don’t know if I want to keep going. The crazy thing is that I’ve had a lot more success just getting behind women and smacking their butts than I ever have actually trying to ask them do dance. I’ve come to the conclusion that they don’t like to be asked. But I also feel like I’m just ugly or something.

Tl;Dr women reject me when I ask them to dance

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