Or any of the other award shows

  1. The Will Smith slapping Chris Rock episode was definitely my high water mark for giving a shit about awards shows.

  2. Not particularly. I’m sure it means a lot for the people involved, but the amount of Oscar’s a movie wins has zero bearing on my enjoyment of it. The ceremony itself is also just full of people whose life literally revolve around making movies telling us just how *important* and *magical* making movies is.

  3. No. At least not anymore. It used to be *the* award for excellence in film making. It is no longer that. Most of the awards are based more on who lobbied and pandered to the academy the hardest rather than who actually made the best movie.

    Another consideration is the way the movie making industry is changed. Getting good movies that do not have the same level of profit-making potential or that might even be ‘risky’ to make profit at all, don’t get made or at least don’t get major release.

    A movie like ‘La Vita E Bella’ probably never wins 3 Oscars like it did a couple decades ago.


    Movies rarely start as a critical success and then turn into a box office success these days. Basically it has to be a promising box office success and then will get seen by critics.

  4. I don’t watch any award show. I will occasionally check to see who won things like the Hugo awards.

  5. I didn’t even know they were happening last night until someone on Instagram posted about it.

  6. No. Not at all.

    Frankly it’s pretty telling that reddit as a whole shuns celebrity worship, but I open reddit this morning and there are like 10 posts related to the Oscar’s on the front page.

  7. I don’t watch. I follow the winners in real time because I want to know who won in the short film categories. We try to watch the nominated live action and animated shorts every year. This year, neither of our favorite animated choices won. I’d have been glad to see any of the live action picks win—they were all good and unique—but was very happy to see the nod go to “Irish Goodbye.”

  8. Big nope on all of the awards shows, from sports to entertainment. I just don’t find them enjoyable to watch.

  9. Not particularly. It’s interesting to read a summary of the wins afterwards, but I stopped watching award shows ages ago.

  10. It’s been about 12-13 years since I paid much attention to the Oscars.

    I stopped watching the Grammies once they stopped being, basically, a treat. Used to be that it was the only time you’d get to watch many of the acts performing live at home, and now that’s just not the case.

    I did once listen to the Eisners on a podcast, and that was fun.

    The Tonys usually deliver, though, to be fair.

  11. Why would I watch a bunch of milionaires pat their selves on the back. And pretend to preach utter crap

  12. It’s the only awards show I watch. I’m a film buff and older (50) so the kind of films I watch tend to be Oscar bait. Sometimes it’s a slog of unfunny jokes and tone deaf moments and really getting it wrong (Traffic winning over Brokeback Mountain, etc) but last night was a true win for filmmaking and especially performance. EEAAO and Michelle and Key and JLC and Brendan winning warmed my Gen X soul.

  13. Not really.

    I halfway care when an actor/actress or film I like wins an award, but not enough to watch the show.

  14. We put it on but don’t pay very close attention. The Oscars are a marketing tool created by studios to gin up business and hand out participation ribbons. There is nothing objective about any of it. It’s mostly a self serving circle jerk.

  15. I didn’t even realize it had already happened until I saw the headlines about the winners this morning.

    If I’m in the mood I might watch the Grammys if someone I care about is performing, but that’s it.

  16. I slightly care, but I would never watch it or any other awards show. I can get the winners in 5 minutes the next day.

  17. I watch it as background noise because my girlfriend is into shit like that, but I have zero interest in watching other ppl jack each other off

  18. I look at who won, and that’s about it. The Oscars are not a true indication of the actual best films, but I generally enjoy the ones that are recognized.

  19. I was too busy last night celebrating my 40^th birthday to watch the Oscars, but I’m glad that that movie about everything everywhere all at once swept up.

  20. I have no desire to watch a bunch of celebrities pat each other on the back over how awesome and noble and whatever they are. If I want to watch a circlejerk, I’ll open up reddit.

  21. A masturbatory ceremony of rich people telling each other how great they are and making grand yet wildly out of touch speeches about the way of the world while wearing clothes that cost more than I make in a month?

    Hard pass.

  22. Used to. 20-30 years ago I’d put the Oscar’s date on my calendar, maybe have a watch party, stay up all night, etc. then I just kinda stopped. Not sure why. Perhaps because I got older and I don’t know most of the actors or movies that are nominated.

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