Some background into it. I’ve met this person and we’ve been talking for almost 2 months now. In the early stages, we’ve been seeing each other maybe 3 – 5 times a week and texting basically every day. After our 3rd week, she wanted to be exclusive with me, so I agreed. Recently, however, we’ve been busy with school and life, so we haven’t been texting each other or hanging out. I’d say now, we’ve been texting each other maybe 2 – 4 times almost every day. Back then, she would always text me first, saying good morning and stuff, but now, it’s usually me that’s starting texting first. Even though she might be busy, she’s always on Instagram despite her schedule because it shows when she’s active. So let’s say when I talk to her on insta, it shows her being active, but she doesn’t respond until a couple hours later.

Idk if it’s me, but I’m guessing that she’s starting to lose interest in me. Even when we do see each other though, she still enjoys my company and our dates, but I’m not feeling the affection I used to get with her in the early stages.

Back to the present date, she’s currently on a trip for about 2 weeks right now by herself to see her friends she made in college. I want her to enjoy her trip, but I don’t want to annoy her either with the texting. Should I still text her while she’s on her trip wait for her to text me on her trip? If i should text her, how often? Every couple days? Maybe halfway throughout her trip?

Insight on me and her. I’m 21[M], and she’s 19[F]. I have an anxious attachment type, and she has both avoidant and anxious, but more towards avoidant type.

  1. Bro how many days since you or her texted each other? Try ignoring her no texting for s few days and see if she reaches out, usually works. If not then you can ask how the trip is, say you want to plan a fun date when she gets back and see her reaction. If it feels weird it probably is.

  2. Why did you agree to be exclusive with her after 3 weeks? You sound desperate and insecure and ready to commit to the first girl that paid you some attention.

  3. I promise you she will be seeing another guy on this trip. Not saying that to hurt you but it’s a story as old as time.

    Don’t talk to her unless she talks to you.

    Girls like this have guys in their inbox. I promise you get “friends” includes old guy friends.

  4. “She’s currently on a trip for about 2 weeks right now by herself to see her college friends”

    “To see her college friends”

    Did the male iq average drop significantly in the last 10 years or something? Holy.

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