I’m going to try to keep this as impartial as I can, so here goes: My girlfriend and I have been dating for coming up on 2 years now, it’s been great, however the whole time we’ve been dating she’s repeatedly admitted that she needs to try harder, and that I try so hard for her and that she needs to be better for me. Keep in mind I haven’t said those things directly, she has said this herself, meaning she is aware of the pattern of behavior- that behavior being her not being interested in what I’m talking about, or what’s going on in my life, or even the little things like her going out to get food for us instead of me. I guess what I’m trying to say is I feel more like I’m her caretaker than her partner sometimes. There will be times where I know she’s free and I call her and it goes to voicemail or text her and don’t get anything back until the next day; Which I would understand but I know she is free at some point, a small message would be super appreciated.Every time I bring up something to the effect of “Hey you don’t seem super present” or “You’re kind of forgetting about me” she usually says something like “Its always something” or “What do you mean?”That’s not to say I’m a saint or anything myself, far from it, but I just wish she’d actually act on being more involved with us and our lives together than just saying it in passing. This isn’t to sound accusatory or anything like that, I just genuinely would appreciate an outside perspective. Thank you to whoever reads this.
TL;dr my gf doesn’t seem interested in me, claims she’s busy when she isn’t doing anything.

  1. Does she need to be?

    You always had these issues and it wasn’t a requirement to date her for 2 years.

    Why did you date someone that always had this problem?

  2. She’s not going to change, sorry. She’s not interested in you, and it sounds like she never has been.

  3. “if they wanted to they would” is timeless, perhaps apply that to your situation

    you do it all, she does…not a lot

    you want to do that stuff for her. you know what she wants to do? go about her life as she desires and have someone follow behind her

    did i make that up? nope you just told us that in your post. do you want to follow around a girl who is focused on herself and not you, or do you want to focus on yourself, bettering yourself for a better relationship

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